
Enumerable.Range(1, 5).ToList().ForEach(i =>
Task.Run(() =>
{ var lockHelper = new ZooKeeperLockHelper("localhost:5181");
lockHelper.OnAcquireLock += (id) =>
var random = new Random().Next(10);
Log.Debug("NodeId {@id} executing.....Sleep {@ms} ms", id, random * 1000); Thread.Sleep(random * 1000);
Log.Debug("NodeId {@id} executing success", id); return Task.CompletedTask;
}; lockHelper.AcquireLock(); }); });
using org.apache.zookeeper;
using Serilog;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace RedisDemo
public class ZooKeeperLockHelper : Watcher, IDisposable
{ #region event public event Func<long, Task> OnAcquireLock;
#endregion private bool _disposed; private ZooKeeper _zooKeeper;
private Event.KeeperState _currentState;
private AutoResetEvent _notifyEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); private string _connectionString; private bool _hasAcquireLock;
private string _lockPath;
private long _currentNodeId; private static readonly string DEFAULT_PATH = "/zk";
private static readonly string NODE_NAME = "node-"; public ZooKeeperLockHelper(string connectionString)
_connectionString = connectionString;
this.Initialize(_connectionString, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60));
} public void AcquireLock(string path = "")
if (this._hasAcquireLock)
} if (!WaitConnected(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)))
throw new Exception($"{_connectionString} Cannot Connect ZooKeeper");
} _lockPath = path;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_lockPath))
_lockPath = DEFAULT_PATH;
} var nodePath = _lockPath + "/" + NODE_NAME; var spath = this._zooKeeper.createAsync(
nodePath, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("data"),
this._currentNodeId = ParseNodeId(spath); var reuslt = this._zooKeeper.getChildrenAsync(_lockPath, true).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
Log.Debug("#-> Begin Acquire Lock CurrentId {@id}", _currentNodeId); if (this.IsMinNodeId(reuslt, this._currentNodeId))
lock (this)
if (!this._hasAcquireLock)
Log.Debug("NodeId {@id} Direct Acquire Lock", _currentNodeId);
this._hasAcquireLock = true;
} }
} } protected bool IsMinNodeId(ChildrenResult childrenResult, long nodeId)
if (nodeId == 0 || childrenResult == null || childrenResult.Children.Count == 0)
return false; var nodeIds = new List<long>(); foreach (var item in childrenResult.Children)
} if (nodeIds.Count > 0 && nodeIds.Min() == nodeId)
return true; }
return false;
} protected long ParseNodeId(string path)
var m = Regex.Match(path, "(\\d+)");
if (m.Success)
return long.Parse(m.Groups[0].Value);
return 0L;
} protected void Initialize(String connectionString, TimeSpan sessionTimeout)
this._zooKeeper = new ZooKeeper(connectionString, (int)sessionTimeout.TotalMilliseconds, this);
} public Task FireAcquireLock(long id)
Log.Debug("NodeId {@id} Close ZooKeeper Success", id);
return Task.CompletedTask;
} public bool WaitConnected(TimeSpan timeout)
var continueWait = false;
while (this._currentState != Event.KeeperState.SyncConnected)
continueWait = _notifyEvent.WaitOne(timeout);
if (!continueWait)
return false;
return true;
} protected void CloseConnection()
if (_disposed)
_disposed = true; if (_zooKeeper != null)
catch { } }
} #region Watcher Impl public override Task process(WatchedEvent @event)
if (@event.getState() == Event.KeeperState.SyncConnected)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(@event.getPath()))
this._currentState = @event.getState();
} var path = @event.getPath();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
if (path.Equals(this._lockPath))
Log.Debug("NodeId {@id} Start Watcher Callback", this._currentNodeId); if (this._hasAcquireLock)
Log.Debug("NodeId {@id} Has Acquire Lock return", this._currentNodeId);
return Task.CompletedTask;
} Task.Run(() =>
var childrenResult = _zooKeeper.getChildrenAsync(this._lockPath, this).Result; if (IsMinNodeId(childrenResult, this._currentNodeId))
lock (this)
if (!this._hasAcquireLock)
Log.Debug("NodeId {@id} Acquire Lock", this._currentNodeId);
this._hasAcquireLock = true;
}); //_zooKeeper.getChildrenAsync(_lockPath, this); }
} return Task.CompletedTask;
} public void Dispose()
} #endregion

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