这篇blog,原来是西弗吉利亚大学的Li xin整理的,CV代码相当的全,不知道要经过多长时间的积累才会有这么丰富的资源,在此谢谢LI Xin 。我现在分享给大家,希望可以共同进步!还有,我需要说一下,不管你的理论有多么漂亮,不管你有多聪明,如果没有实验来证明,那么都是错误的。  OK~本博文未经允许,禁止转载哦!  By  wei shen

Reproducible Research in Computational Science

“It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong” - Richard Feynman

"As a method for finding things out, science lives by its disdain for authority and its reliance on experimentation." - Chris Quigg

Welcome to this site about reproducible research in computational science (including signal processing, computer vision, machine learning and neural computation). This site is intended to share the source codes of the latest advances in various technical fields to the best of my knowledge. Only throughReproducible Research (RR), can we live up to the standard that hard-core science has established since Bacon and Newton. If you know of any release of the source codes that is missing from the list or any broken link, please kindly let me know.

Image denoising

Image coding

Image demosaicing

Image interpolation and Superresolution

RGBD image processing

Image segmentation/parsing and matting

Image deblurring

Blind image deblurring

Texture synthesis

Image inpainting

PDE-based image processing

Image quality assessment


Gradient-domain image processing

Video coding

Texture/Shape/Image classification

Object detection/recognition

Image registration/mosaicing/OFE

Action/event/scene recognition

Visual tracking

Saliency/Objectness Detection

Low rank methods

Deep Learning

Manifold learning and embedding

Wavelets and frames

Compressed Sensing

HDR imaging

Biomedical Imaging

2D Phase Unwrapping

DTI and fiber tractography

Data Clustering

Stereo matching& Multiview geometry

Graphics, Cartoons,Motion&3D

Machine learning&Neural Networks

Blind source separation

Camera calibration

Sampling&Physics-based Simulation

Evolutionary computing/Optimization

Networking Research


Links to other communities' reproducible research effort

Links to reproducible books/journals/tutorials

Links to other individual's reproducible research

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