Following last article, how to restore MS AG database , that is in the following:

You see ?  Cheer up , we will begin our trip now.

From EMC NW console, we can see backup status.


Incr backup (TLOG backup)

AG different setting:

What interest thing is you see the different choose to make different behavour.

If we choose N4 backup source, we can see all database

If we choose N5 backup source, we have to select different group by different time.


Let us pick one database for an example:

Then all finished,  we can see the result.

Here is restore log by EMC NW NMM

Recovering files of client 'LCXXXXXXNB51' from server 'LYYYYH-BACKUP' to client 'ONLINETEST01'.
43708:(pid 5456):Start time: Tue Jan 03 13:17:54 2017
43621:(pid 5456):Computer Name: ONLINETEST01 User Name: administrator
37725:(pid 5456):Recovering database 'LKKKK.5.E.FOR' into 'LKKKK.5.E.FOR' ...
142468:(pid 5456):[3512]nsr/db_apps/bsmsql/rcstripes.c(222): Finding backup for saveset MSSQL:/LKKKK.5.E.FOR~1.
142468:(pid 5456):[3512]nsr/db_apps/bsmsql/rcstripes.c(222): Finding backup for saveset MSSQL:/LKKKK.5.E.FOR~2.
142468:(pid 5456):[3512]nsr/db_apps/bsmsql/rcstripes.c(222): Finding backup for saveset MSSQL:/LKKKK.5.E.FOR~3.
142468:(pid 5456):[3512]nsr/db_apps/bsmsql/rcstripes.c(222): Finding backup for saveset MSSQL:/LKKKK.5.E.FOR~4.
37839:(pid 5456):Warning: Only 1 tape sessions will be used to restore 4 stripes.
29317:(pid 5456):Data will be restored using SQL removable pipes.
4690:(pid 5456):RESTORE database [LKKKK.5.E.FOR] FROM virtual_device='Legato#c6be8dbb-2e4c-4a85-b7da-1ba4882213b7' WITH move 'LKKKK.5.E.FOR' to 'M:\DATA2\LKKKK.5.E.FOR_LKKKK.5.E.FOR_676.mdf', move 'LKKKK.5.E.FOR_log' to 'M:\DATA2\LKKKK.5.E.FOR_LKKKK.5.E.FOR_log_676.ldf', replace, maxtransfersize = 4194304, norecovery
35866:(pid 5456):The restore of database 'LKKKK.5.E.FOR' completed successfully.
142468:(pid 5456):[3512]nsr/db_apps/bsmsql/rcstripes.c(222): Finding backup for saveset MSSQL:/LKKKK.5.E.FOR.
4690:(pid 5456):RESTORE log [LKKKK.5.E.FOR] FROM virtual_device='Legato#e32caf9a-7120-4309-8c9e-0e6777355f6f' WITH maxtransfersize = 4194304, norecovery
35866:(pid 5456):The restore of database 'LKKKK.5.E.FOR' completed successfully.
142468:(pid 5456):[3512]nsr/db_apps/bsmsql/rcstripes.c(222): Finding backup for saveset MSSQL:/LKKKK.5.E.FOR.
4690:(pid 5456):RESTORE log [LKKKK.5.E.FOR] FROM virtual_device='Legato#c01585c8-5fc2-4076-abcc-ed54bd8daa5a' WITH maxtransfersize = 4194304, norecovery
35866:(pid 5456):The restore of database 'LKKKK.5.E.FOR' completed successfully.
142468:(pid 5456):[3512]nsr/db_apps/bsmsql/rcstripes.c(222): Finding backup for saveset MSSQL:/LKKKK.5.E.FOR.
4690:(pid 5456):RESTORE log [LKKKK.5.E.FOR] FROM virtual_device='Legato#5133eafd-79a9-4662-afa8-1c799b21242e' WITH maxtransfersize = 4194304, norecovery
35866:(pid 5456):The restore of database 'LKKKK.5.E.FOR' completed successfully.
142468:(pid 5456):[3512]nsr/db_apps/bsmsql/rcstripes.c(222): Finding backup for saveset MSSQL:/LKKKK.5.E.FOR.
4690:(pid 5456):RESTORE log [LKKKK.5.E.FOR] FROM virtual_device='Legato#578eb90f-63de-4cdc-bd24-b6249b8fe975' WITH maxtransfersize = 4194304, norecovery
35866:(pid 5456):The restore of database 'LKKKK.5.E.FOR' completed successfully.
142468:(pid 5456):[3512]nsr/db_apps/bsmsql/rcstripes.c(222): Finding backup for saveset MSSQL:/LKKKK.5.E.FOR.
4690:(pid 5456):RESTORE log [LKKKK.5.E.FOR] FROM virtual_device='Legato#c4e8e33a-17a1-436f-9a14-2ce4a05dea3e' WITH maxtransfersize = 4194304, norecovery
35866:(pid 5456):The restore of database 'LKKKK.5.E.FOR' completed successfully.
142468:(pid 5456):[3512]nsr/db_apps/bsmsql/rcstripes.c(222): Finding backup for saveset MSSQL:/LKKKK.5.E.FOR.
4690:(pid 5456):RESTORE log [LKKKK.5.E.FOR] FROM virtual_device='Legato#7ec9679d-303b-47ee-8390-7c8829501391' WITH maxtransfersize = 4194304, norecovery
35866:(pid 5456):The restore of database 'LKKKK.5.E.FOR' completed successfully.
142468:(pid 5456):[3512]nsr/db_apps/bsmsql/rcstripes.c(222): Finding backup for saveset MSSQL:/LKKKK.5.E.FOR.
4690:(pid 5456):RESTORE log [LKKKK.5.E.FOR] FROM virtual_device='Legato#d3fd0e9f-febf-4ed0-9b06-202eac29d724' WITH maxtransfersize = 4194304, norecovery
35866:(pid 5456):The restore of database 'LKKKK.5.E.FOR' completed successfully.
142468:(pid 5456):[3512]nsr/db_apps/bsmsql/rcstripes.c(222): Finding backup for saveset MSSQL:/LKKKK.5.E.FOR.
4690:(pid 5456):RESTORE log [LKKKK.5.E.FOR] FROM virtual_device='Legato#6b7874d9-e3b0-48e9-b1fc-853924ef5bfc' WITH maxtransfersize = 4194304
35866:(pid 5456):The restore of database 'LKKKK.5.E.FOR' completed successfully.
29310:(pid 5456):
Received 17 MB 9 item(s) from NSR server (size information for snapshot(s) is not available).
nsr/db_apps/bsmsql/rcovmain.cpp(442): Entering cleanUp().
nsr/db_apps/bsmsql/rcovmain.cpp(500): Exiting cleanUp().
43709:(pid 5456):Stop time: Tue Jan 03 13:25:31 2017

Restore completion time: Tue Jan 03 13:25:32 2017


Any question , please free to ask,

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