1. The divide and conquer approach - 归并排序
  2. 归并排序所应用的理论思想叫做分治法.
  3. 分治法的思想是: 将问题分解为若干个规模较小,并且类似于原问题的子问题,
  4. 然后递归(recursive) 求解这些子问题, 最后再合并这些子问题的解以求得
  5. 原问题的解.
  6. 即, 分解 -> 解决 -> 合并.
  8. The divide and conquer approach
  9. 分解: 将待排序的含有 n 个元素的的序列分解成两个具有 n/2 的两个子序列.
  10. 解决: 使用归并排序递归地排序两个子序列.
  11. 合并: 合并两个已排序的子序列得出结果.
  13. 归并排序算法的 '时间复杂度' nlogn
  15. import time, random
  17. def sortDivide(alist): # 分解 divide
  18. if len(alist) <= 1:
  19. return alist
  20. l1 = sortDivide(alist[:alist.__len__()//2])
  21. l2 = sortDivide(alist[alist.__len__()//2:])
  22. return sortMerge(l1,l2)
  24. def sortMerge(l1, l2): # 解决 & 合并 sort & merge
  25. listS = []
  26. print("Left - ", l1)
  27. print("Right - ", l2)
  28. i,j = 0,0
  29. while i < l1.__len__() and j < l2.__len__():
  30. if l1[i] <= l2[j]:
  31. listS.append(l1[i])
  32. i += 1
  33. print("-i", i)
  34. else:
  35. listS.append(l2[j])
  36. j += 1
  37. print("-j", j)
  38. print(listS)
  39. else:
  40. if i == l1.__len__():
  41. listS.extend(l2[j:])
  42. else:
  43. listS.extend(l1[i:])
  44. print(listS)
  45. print("Product -",listS)
  46. return listS
  48. def randomList(n,r):
  49. F = 0
  50. rlist = []
  51. while F < n:
  52. F += 1
  53. rlist.append(random.randrange(0,r))
  54. return rlist
  56. if __name__ == "__main__":
  57. alist = randomList(9,100)
  58. print("List-O",alist)
  59. startT =time.time()
  60. print("List-S", sortDivide(alist))
  61. endT = time.time()
  62. print("Time elapsed :", endT - startT)
  64. output,
  65. List-O [88, 79, 52, 78, 0, 43, 21, 55, 62]
  66. Left - [88]
  67. Right - [79]
  68. -j 1
  69. [79]
  70. [79, 88]
  71. Product - [79, 88]
  72. Left - [52]
  73. Right - [78]
  74. -i 1
  75. [52]
  76. [52, 78]
  77. Product - [52, 78]
  78. Left - [79, 88]
  79. Right - [52, 78]
  80. -j 1
  81. [52]
  82. -j 2
  83. [52, 78]
  84. [52, 78, 79, 88]
  85. Product - [52, 78, 79, 88]
  86. Left - [0]
  87. Right - [43]
  88. -i 1
  89. [0]
  90. [0, 43]
  91. Product - [0, 43]
  92. Left - [55]
  93. Right - [62]
  94. -i 1
  95. [55]
  96. [55, 62]
  97. Product - [55, 62]
  98. Left - [21]
  99. Right - [55, 62]
  100. -i 1
  101. [21]
  102. [21, 55, 62]
  103. Product - [21, 55, 62]
  104. Left - [0, 43]
  105. Right - [21, 55, 62]
  106. -i 1
  107. [0]
  108. -j 1
  109. [0, 21]
  110. -i 2
  111. [0, 21, 43]
  112. [0, 21, 43, 55, 62]
  113. Product - [0, 21, 43, 55, 62]
  114. Left - [52, 78, 79, 88]
  115. Right - [0, 21, 43, 55, 62]
  116. -j 1
  117. [0]
  118. -j 2
  119. [0, 21]
  120. -j 3
  121. [0, 21, 43]
  122. -i 1
  123. [0, 21, 43, 52]
  124. -j 4
  125. [0, 21, 43, 52, 55]
  126. -j 5
  127. [0, 21, 43, 52, 55, 62]
  128. [0, 21, 43, 52, 55, 62, 78, 79, 88]
  129. Product - [0, 21, 43, 52, 55, 62, 78, 79, 88]
  130. List-S [0, 21, 43, 52, 55, 62, 78, 79, 88]
  131. Time elapsed : 0.0010027885437011719

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