Android APIDemos中已经提供了一种例子
* An animation that rotates the view on the Y axis between two specified angles.
* This animation also adds a translation on the Z axis (depth) to improve the effect.
public class Rotate3dAnimation extends Animation {
private final float mFromDegrees;
private final float mToDegrees;
private final float mCenterX;
private final float mCenterY;
private final float mDepthZ;
private final boolean mReverse;
private Camera mCamera; /**
* Creates a new 3D rotation on the Y axis. The rotation is defined by its
* start angle and its end angle. Both angles are in degrees. The rotation
* is performed around a center point on the 2D space, definied by a pair
* of X and Y coordinates, called centerX and centerY. When the animation
* starts, a translation on the Z axis (depth) is performed. The length
* of the translation can be specified, as well as whether the translation
* should be reversed in time.
* @param fromDegrees the start angle of the 3D rotation
* @param toDegrees the end angle of the 3D rotation
* @param centerX the X center of the 3D rotation
* @param centerY the Y center of the 3D rotation
* @param reverse true if the translation should be reversed, false otherwise
public Rotate3dAnimation(float fromDegrees, float toDegrees,
float centerX, float centerY, float depthZ, boolean reverse) {
mFromDegrees = fromDegrees;
mToDegrees = toDegrees;
mCenterX = centerX;
mCenterY = centerY;
mDepthZ = depthZ;
mReverse = reverse;
} @Override
public void initialize(int width, int height, int parentWidth, int parentHeight) {
super.initialize(width, height, parentWidth, parentHeight);
mCamera = new Camera();
} @Override
protected void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime, Transformation t) {
final float fromDegrees = mFromDegrees;
float degrees = fromDegrees + ((mToDegrees - fromDegrees) * interpolatedTime); final float centerX = mCenterX;
final float centerY = mCenterY;
final Camera camera = mCamera; final Matrix matrix = t.getMatrix(); camera.save();
if (mReverse) {
camera.translate(0.0f, 0.0f, mDepthZ * interpolatedTime);
} else {
camera.translate(0.0f, 0.0f, mDepthZ * (1.0f - interpolatedTime));
camera.restore(); matrix.preTranslate(-centerX, -centerY);
matrix.postTranslate(centerX, centerY);
import android.graphics.Camera;
import android.graphics.Matrix;
import android.view.animation.Animation;
import android.view.animation.Transformation; /**
* @author Administrator
public class Rotate3DAnimation extends Animation {
// 开始角度
private final float mFromDegrees;
// 结束角度
private final float mToDegrees;
// 中心点
private final float mCenterX;
private final float mCenterY;
private final float mDepthZ;
// 是否需要扭曲 ,也就是是否有Z轴方向深度的变化
private final boolean mReverse;
// 摄像头
private Camera mCamera;
public Rotate3DAnimation(float fromDegrees, float toDegrees, float centerX,
float centerY, float depthZ, boolean reverse) {
mFromDegrees = fromDegrees;
mToDegrees = toDegrees;
mCenterX = centerX;
mCenterY = centerY;
mDepthZ = depthZ;
mReverse = reverse;
public void initialize(int width, int height, int parentWidth,
int parentHeight) {
super.initialize(width, height, parentWidth, parentHeight);
mCamera = new Camera();
} /**
* 生成Transformation,整个动画的过程中会不停的被调用
* @param interpolatedTime 会逐渐从0增大到1
* @param Transformation 变换对象
protected void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime, Transformation t) {
* 实际上整个过程就是通过Camera计算出要旋转所要修改的Matrix的值
* 整个函数结束之后,会根据这个Matrix的值进行变化
* 也就是说实际最终变换依据的依然是Matrix的值
final float fromDegrees = mFromDegrees;
float degrees = fromDegrees
+ ((mToDegrees - fromDegrees) * interpolatedTime);
final float centerX = mCenterX;
final float centerY = mCenterY;
final Camera camera = mCamera;
final Matrix matrix = t.getMatrix();//获取动画对象的矩阵
if (mReverse) { //变化的方向是从小往大变
camera.translate(0.0f, 0.0f, mDepthZ * interpolatedTime);
camera.restore();//恢复摄像机的状态 ,每次摄像机变换完后,下次又从摄像机初始位置开始变化
matrix.preTranslate(-centerX, -centerY);
matrix.postTranslate(centerX, centerY);
import org.cxjchen.animation.Rotate3DAnimation;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.view.animation.*;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.TextView; /**
* @author Administrator
public class Logo_Activity extends Activity { private TextView logo_title = null; @Override
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
setContentView(R.layout.logo_activity); logo_title = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.logo_title);
logo_title.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override
public void onClick(View v) {
} private void applyRotation(float start, float end) {
// 计算中心点
final float centerX = logo_title.getWidth() / 2.0f;
final float centerY = logo_title.getHeight() / 2.0f;
final Rotate3DAnimation rotation = new Rotate3DAnimation(start, end,
centerX, centerY, 360.0f, false);
rotation.setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator());
// 设置监听
rotation.setAnimationListener(new Animation.AnimationListener() { @Override
public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) {
} @Override
public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) { } @Override
public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) { }
} }
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