关于 TopShelf

Topshelfis a framework for hosting services written using the .NET framework. The creation of services is simplified, allowing developers to create a simple console application that can be installed as a service using Topshelf. The reason for this is simple: It is far easier to debug a console application than a service. And once the application is tested and ready for production, Topshelf makes it easy to install the application as a service.


第一步:新建一个 C# 控制台应用程序。

第二步:用 Nuget 引用 TopShelf 和 Log4net。


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Timers; using Topshelf;
using Topshelf.Builders;
using Topshelf.Configurators;
using Topshelf.HostConfigurators; namespace TopshelfStudy
public sealed class TimeReporter
private readonly Timer _timer;
public TimeReporter()
_timer = new Timer() { AutoReset = true };
_timer.Elapsed += (sender, eventArgs) => Console.WriteLine("当前时间:{0}", DateTime.Now);
public void Start() { _timer.Start(); }
public void Stop() { _timer.Stop(); }
} class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
HostFactory.Run(x =>
x.Service<TimeReporter>(s =>
s.ConstructUsing(settings => new TimeReporter());
s.WhenStarted(tr => tr.Start());
s.WhenStopped(tr => tr.Stop());
}); x.RunAsLocalSystem(); x.SetDescription("定时报告时间");

第四步:编译、Release 生成。把 Release 文件夹 Copy 到 C 盘。

第五步:以管理员身份运行 cmd,安装、启动。

SampleWindowsService.exe install


SampleWindowsService.exe start


SampleWindowsService.exe uninstall


最后 Windows Service 没有 Console.WriteLine,我们可以把输出信息输出到文件。

StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("e:\\temp\\log.log");
sw.AutoFlush = true;






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