1. Question Description:

1.1  mysql  version:  mysql-5.7.11-win64.zip

1.2  if you connect to the mysql  service the first time, you may come across some problems

1.2.1  mysql -u root -p (enter), no password(enter), you will see

1.2.2   if you want to update the user's password like "update user set password=.....", you will see

2. Solution:

2.1 net stop mysql(stop the mysql service)

2.2 mysqld -nt --skip-grant-tables (you will see cusor is waiting, it's ok,)

open another cmd window

2.3 mysql


mysql>use mysql

mysql>update user set password=password("123456") where user="root";

mysql>flush privileges;


    2.5  net start mysql

      2.6  mysql -u root -p

2.7 set password=password("123456");

3. Thinking

I had meet the problem before, but forget how to set it,

That's mean Writing is better than Minding.

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