tair是一个分布式KV存储引擎,当新增机器或者有机器down掉的时候,tair的dataserver会根据ConfigServer生成的新的对照表进行数据的迁移和清理。在数据清理的过程中就用到了在tair中新增的Compaction方式——CompactRangeSelfLevel,顾名思义,这个CompactRangeSelfLevel就是对自己所在(指定)的Level进行一定Key范围的Compaction然后将生成的输出文件也写入到自己所在的Level而不是父层(L + 1)。下面我们来对这个CompactRangeSelfLevel进行分析。

// compact filenumber 小于limit的key 在 [begin, end)范围内的 sstable
// compact的时候只有level 0 SSTable会输出到 level 1, 其他的level都是输入输出在同一个level
Status DBImpl::CompactRangeSelfLevel(
uint64_t limit_filenumber,
const Slice* begin,
const Slice* end) {
// 初始化一个MannualCompaction对象
manual.limit_filenumber = limit_filenumber;
manual.bg_compaction_func = &DBImpl::BackgroundCompactionSelfLevel;
// use TimedCond() 防止丢失唤醒信号
// 每个层级逐次schedule manualcompaction
for (int level = ; level < config::kNumLevels && manual.compaction_status.ok(); ++level) {
ManualCompaction each_manual = manual;
each_manual.level = level;
while (each_manual.compaction_status.ok() && !each_manual.done) {
// still have compaction running 就等待
while (bg_compaction_scheduled_) {
manual_compaction_ = &each_manual;
while (manual_compaction_ == &each_manual) {
manual.compaction_status = each_manual.compaction_status;
return manual.compaction_status;


void DBImpl::BackgroundCompactionSelfLevel() {
do {
// level-0 不对 filenumber 进行限制
/* CompactRangeOneLevel故名思议将该level中的所有符合filenumber 小于limit
key 在 [begin, end)范围内的 sstable找出来 */
c = versions_-> CompactRangeOneLevel(m->level,
m->level > ? m->limit_filenumber : ~(static_cast<uint64_t>()),
m->begin, m->end); if (NULL == c) { // no compact for this level
m->done = true; // done all.
// 记录下manual Compaction的结束key
manual_end = c->input(, c->num_input_files() - )->largest; CompactionState* compact = new CompactionState(c);
status = DoCompactionWorkSelfLevel(compact); // 真正进行Compaction的函数
delete c;
if (shutting_down_.Acquire_Load()) {
// Ignore compaction errors found during shutting down
} else if (!status.ok()) {
m->compaction_status = status; // save error
if (bg_error_.ok()) { // no matter paranoid_checks
bg_error_ = status;
break; // exit once fail.
} while (false);
if (!m->done) {
// We only compacted part of the requested range. Update *m
// to the range that is left to be compacted.
m->tmp_storage = manual_end;
m->begin = &m->tmp_storage;
// Mark it as done
manual_compaction_ = NULL;

这里DoCompactionWorkSelfLevel是真正进行KV读取和Compaction的地方,然而我们这里并不打算对其进行详细的分析,因为通过对比我们知道其主题过程和DoCompactionWork相同,只是在一些细微的判断方式和处理方式上稍微有所不同。具体的DoCompactionWork的过程请参考《leveldb源码分析--SSTable之Compaction》,我们下面通过对比 差异之处的方式让大家理解DoCompactionWorkSelfLevel的实际处理过程。

DoCompactionWorkSelfLevel 和 DoCompactionWork基本相同,只是流程上少了几个判断:

1. DoCompactionWorkSelfLevel 遍历到key以后不需要进行ShouldStopBefore的判断,因为这个是判断是否跟L + 2层有过多的重叠,这里selflevel是输出到当前层,所以必然不会影响跟L+ 2层的重叠情况;

Slice key = input->key();
// if (compact->compaction->ShouldStopBefore(key) &&
// compact->builder != NULL) {
// status = FinishCompactionOutputFile(compact, input);
// if (!status.ok()) {
// break;
// }
// }
// 注释掉的地方即是CompactionWorkSelfLevel减少的部分

2. 是否drop的时候少了seq<= smallest_snapshot && (type == Deletion || ShouldDrop) && IsBaseLevelForKey(ikey)) 为drop,也是因为当前层的Compaction,而IsBaseLevelForKey是判断的L + 2层以上有无该key的相关值,这里如果要加上判断就应该是将 L+1 层也包含在判断范围内。

} else if (ikey.sequence <= compact->smallest_snapshot &&
(ikey.type == kTypeDeletion || // deleted or ..
ikey.sequence, expired_end_time)) &&
// .. user-defined should drop(maybe),
// based on some condition(eg. this key only has this update.).
compact->compaction->IsBaseLevelForKey(ikey.user_key)) {
// For this user key:
// (1) there is no data in higher levels
// (2) data in lower levels will have larger sequence numbers
// (3) data in layers that are being compacted here and have
// smaller sequence numbers will be dropped in the next
// few iterations of this loop (by rule (A) above).
// Therefore this deletion marker is obsolete and can be dropped.
drop = true;

3. 在InstallCompactionResults 时第二个参数传入的是false,这样这个函数将新生成的SSTable放入当前层而不是L+ 1层

status = InstallCompactionResults(compact);
// 修改为:
status = InstallCompactionResults(compact, false); // output files is in current level, not level + 1


// 判断这个key是否在需要回收的bucket中,如果是就返回true,那么Compaction的时候直接删除(即回收掉)
virtual bool ShouldDrop(const char* key, int64_t sequence, uint32_t now = ) const { return false;}
// 根据expire_time判断这个key是否已经过期,如过期则返回true
virtual bool ShouldDropMaybe(const char* key, int64_t sequence, uint32_t now = ) const { return false;}
// start_key和key是否依旧属于同一个bucket,是的放回false,否则返回true
virtual bool ShouldStopBefore(const Slice& start_key, const Slice& key) const { return false;}



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