8.4 Design a parking lot using object-oriented principles.

LintCode上的原题,请参见我的另一篇博客Parking Lot 停车场问题


1. 停车场有多层,每层有多行停车位

2. 停车场可以停摩托车,小轿车和公交车

3. 停车场有摩托车位,紧凑型车位,和大型车位

4. 摩托车可以停在任何位置

5. 小轿车可以停在紧凑型车位和大型车位

6. 公交车只能停在同一行中连续的五个大型车位上,不能停在小位置上


enum class VehicleSize { Motorcycle, Compact, Large };

class Vehicle;
class Level; class ParkingSpot {
ParkingSpot(Level *lvl, int r, int n, VehicleSize s): _level(lvl), _row(r), _spotNumber(n), _spotSize(s) {} // ...
bool isAvailable() { return _vehicle == nullptr; };
bool canFitVehicle(Vehicle *vehicle) {} // ...
bool park(Vehicle *v) {} // ...
int getRow() { return _row; }
int getSpotNumber() { return _spotNumber; }
void removeVehicle() {} // ... private:
Vehicle *_vehicle = nullptr;
VehicleSize _spotSize;
int _row;
int _spotNumber;
Level *_level = nullptr;
}; class Vehicle {
Vehicle() {}
int getSpotsNeeded() { return _spotsNeeded; }
VehicleSize getSize() { return _size; }
void parkInSpot(ParkingSpot s) { _parkingSpots.push_back(s); }
void clearSpots() {} // ...
virtual bool canFitInSpot(ParkingSpot spot) {} protected:
vector<ParkingSpot> _parkingSpots;
string _licensePlate;
int _spotsNeeded;
VehicleSize _size;
}; class Bus: public Vehicle {
Bus() {
_spotsNeeded = ;
_size = VehicleSize::Large;
bool canFitInSpot(ParkingSpot spot) { }
}; class Car: public Vehicle {
Car() {
_spotsNeeded = ;
_size = VehicleSize::Compact;
bool canFitInSpot(ParkingSpot spot) { }
}; class Motorcycle: public Vehicle {
Motorcycle() {
_spotsNeeded = ;
_size = VehicleSize::Motorcycle;
bool canFitInSpot(ParkingSpot spot) { }
}; class Level {
Level() {}
Level(int flr, int numberSpots): _floor(flr), _availableSpots(numberSpots) {}
Level(const Level* lvl) {
*this = *lvl;
int availableSpots() { return _availableSpots; }
bool parkVehicle(Vehicle vehicle) {} // ...
void spotFreed() { ++_availableSpots; } private:
int _floor;
vector<ParkingSpot> _spots;
int _availableSpots = ;
static const int _SPOTS_PER_ROW = ;
bool parkStartingAtSpot(int num, Vehicle v) {} // ...
int findAvailableSpots(Vehicle vehicle) {} // ...
}; class ParkingLot {
ParkingLot() {} // ...
bool parkVehicle(Vehicle vehicle) {} // ... private:
vector<Level> _levels;
const int _NUM_LEVELS = ;

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