1. linux查看一个文件正被那些程序使用

fuser -h
Usage: fuser [-fMuvw] [-a|-s] [-4|-6] [-c|-m|-n SPACE] [-k [-i] [-SIGNAL]] NAME...
fuser -l
fuser -V
Show which processes use the named files, sockets, or filesystems.

-a,--all display unused files too
-i,--interactive ask before killing (ignored without -k)
-k,--kill kill processes accessing the named file
-l,--list-signals list available signal names
-m,--mount show all processes using the named filesystems or block device
-M,--ismountpoint fulfill request only if NAME is a mount point
-n,--namespace SPACE search in this name space (file, udp, or tcp)
-s,--silent silent operation
-SIGNAL send this signal instead of SIGKILL
-u,--user display user IDs
-v,--verbose verbose output
-w,--writeonly kill only processes with write access
-V,--version display version information
-4,--ipv4 search IPv4 sockets only
-6,--ipv6 search IPv6 sockets only
- reset options

udp/tcp names: [local_port][,[rmt_host][,[rmt_port]]]

2. 查看该进程打开的文件

lsof -h
lsof 4.86
latest revision: ftp://lsof.itap.purdue.edu/pub/tools/unix/lsof/
latest FAQ: ftp://lsof.itap.purdue.edu/pub/tools/unix/lsof/FAQ
latest man page: ftp://lsof.itap.purdue.edu/pub/tools/unix/lsof/lsof_man
usage: [-?abhKlnNoOPRtUvVX] [+|-c c] [+|-d s] [+D D] [+|-f[gG]] [+|-e s]
[-F [f]] [-g [s]] [-i [i]] [+|-L [l]] [+m [m]] [+|-M] [-o [o]] [-p s]
[+|-r [t]] [-s [p:s]] [-S [t]] [-T [t]] [-u s] [+|-w] [-x [fl]] [--] [names]
Defaults in parentheses; comma-separated set (s) items; dash-separated ranges.
-?|-h list help -a AND selections (OR) -b avoid kernel blocks
-c c cmd c ^c /c/[bix] +c w COMMAND width (9) +d s dir s files
-d s select by FD set +D D dir D tree *SLOW?* +|-e s exempt s *RISKY*
-i select IPv[46] files -K list tasKs -l list UID numbers
-n no host names -N select NFS files -o list file offset
-O no overhead *RISKY* -P no port names -R list paRent PID
-s list file size -t terse listing -T disable TCP/TPI info
-U select Unix socket -v list version info -V verbose search
+|-w Warnings (+) -X skip TCP&UDP* files -- end option scan
+f|-f +filesystem or -file names +|-f[gG] flaGs
-F [f] select fields; -F? for help
+|-L [l] list (+) suppress (-) link counts < l (0 = all; default = 0)
+m [m] use|create mount supplement
+|-M portMap registration (-) -o o o 0t offset digits (8)
-p s exclude(^)|select PIDs -S [t] t second stat timeout (15)
-T qs TCP/TPI Q,St (s) info
-g [s] exclude(^)|select and print process group IDs
-i i select by IPv[46] address: [46][proto][@host|addr][:svc_list|port_list]
+|-r [t[m<fmt>]] repeat every t seconds (15); + until no files, - forever.
An optional suffix to t is m<fmt>; m must separate t from <fmt> and
<fmt> is an strftime(3) format for the marker line.
-s p:s exclude(^)|select protocol (p = TCP|UDP) states by name(s).
-u s exclude(^)|select login|UID set s
-x [fl] cross over +d|+D File systems or symbolic Links
names select named files or files on named file systems
Anyone can list all files; /dev warnings disabled; kernel ID check disabled.

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