do you handle failure?

I have always lived by the maxim that nobody is perfect, so I am relatively comfortable taking responsibility for my shortcomings. My approach is to figure out what I could change to avoid similar circumstances in the future

2.what are your hobbies?

I offen do excrcise in weekend because it keep me healthy, vitality and relax the stress of work, in the evening of working day, I take English class to enhance my spoken English.

3.How does this job fit in with your career plan? 

I am looking for a way to transfer my software developing, application suporting, trouble shoot and system analysting to a position within IT industry and I am attracted by the trends in IT technical and have a foreign company background in IT consultant in IBM so the prospect of working for a Enterprise IT solution company is very appealing to me. would your co-works describe your personality?

my colleagues have tole me that I am extremly orgnized and excellent at time management.

example: During one team project, my team members praised me for developing and sticking to a timeline for all the phases to our project, we ended up successfully completing the project ahead of time.

5.what motavies you?

It really excites me to work with clients on a one-on-one basis and see positive results and got satisfaction from them.

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