最近在做android BSP 4.2的时候遇到一个BUG,编译user 版本的时候,系统刷进手机里面去,无限循环在开机动画,编译userdebug 刷机进去的时候发现正常,于是我先回滚到正常的版本,进系统打开adb调试,然后刷异常的版本,发现无限循环的log如下

I/dalvikvm(  823): DexOpt: not all deps represented 
 E/dalvikvm(  823): /system/framework/android.test.runner.jar odex has stale 

为啥会出现这个BUG呢,看了一下git,发现我新增加的 FM收音机里面有一个qcom.fmradio.jar 这个并且做了如下处理

export BOOTCLASSPATH ${BOOTCLASSPATH}:/system/framework/changhong.jar



The optimized DEX files have inter-file dependencies.  All .odex files
depend on the bootstrap class entries, so if you add or remove entries
from the bootclasspath you must re-run dexopt over all files.

This happens automatically on -userdebug and -eng developer builds,
but -user builds don’t have the un-optimized versions of the APKs
sitting around.  So it just falls over.

The best plan is to leave bootclasspath alone.

See also dalvik/docs/dexopt.html in the source tree.

根据这个回答,我在build/core/dex_preopt.mk  里面找到了






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