Looking at the follow code:

  1. .wrapper
  2. - const upName = name && name.toUpperCase();
  3. h2
  4. | Hello #{name.toUpperCase()}
  5. | Welcome, #{upName}
  6. em How are you?
  8. img.img(src="none.jpg" alt=`Dog ${age}`)

1. .wapper: div with wrapper class

  1. div.wrapper

By defualt it consider as div class if you don't wirte div, just give a class name.

2. Define javascript variable:

  1. - const upName = name && name.toUpperCase();

3. Write content is different line:

  1. h2
  2. | Hello #{name.toUpperCase()}
  3. | Welcome, #{upName}

Using '|' we can write content in diffferent line, but it still display in the same line on the interface.

4. Mixin Javascript:

  1. | Hello #{name.toUpperCase()}
  2. | Welcome, #{upName}

5. Attr:

  1. img.img(src="none.jpg" alt=`Dog ${age}`)

6. Write Javascript inside attr:

  1. alt=`Dog ${age}`

7. Define a main layout file with some 'block' placeholder:

  1. doctype html
  2. html
  3. head
  4. title= `${title} | ${h.siteName}`
  5. link(rel='stylesheet', href='/dist/style.css')
  6. link(rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="/images/icons/doughnut.png")
  7. meta(name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1")
  8. body
  9. block header
  10. header.top
  11. nav.nav
  12. .nav__section.nav__section--pages
  13. li.nav__item
  14. a.nav__link.nav__link--logo(href="/")
  15. != h.icon('logo')
  16. each item in h.menu
  17. li.nav__item
  18. a.nav__link(href=item.slug, class=(currentPath.startsWith(item.slug) ? 'nav__link--active' : ''))
  19. != h.icon(item.icon)
  20. span #{item.title}
  21. .nav__section.nav__section--search
  22. .search
  23. input.search__input(type="text" placeholder="Coffee, beer..." name="search")
  24. .search__results
  25. .nav__section.nav__section--user
  26. if user
  27. li.nav__item: a.nav__link(href="/hearts", class=(currentPath.startsWith('/hearts') ? 'nav__link--active' : ''))
  28. != h.icon('heart')
  29. span.heart-count #{user.hearts && user.hearts.length}
  30. li.nav__item: a.nav__link(href="/logout", class=(currentPath.startsWith('/logout') ? 'nav__link--active' : ''))
  31. != h.icon('logout')
  32. span Logout
  33. li.nav__item: a.nav__link(href="/account", class=(currentPath.startsWith('/account') ? 'nav__link--active' : ''))
  34. img.avatar(src=user.gravatar + 'd=retro')
  35. else
  36. li.nav__item: a.nav__link(href="/register", class=(currentPath.startsWith('/register') ? 'nav__link--active' : '')) Register
  37. li.nav__item: a.nav__link(href="/login", class=(currentPath.startsWith('/login') ? 'nav__link--active' : '')) Log In
  39. block messages
  40. if locals.flashes
  41. .inner
  42. .flash-messages
  43. - const categories = Object.keys(locals.flashes)
  44. each category in categories
  45. each message in flashes[category]
  46. .flash(class=`flash--${category}`)
  47. p.flash__text!= message
  48. button.flash__remove(onClick="this.parentElement.remove()") ×
  49. .content
  50. block content
  52. block scripts
  53. script(src=`https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=${process.env.MAP_KEY}&libraries=places`)
  54. script(src="/dist/App.bundle.js")

Inside the layout.pug, you can see many 'block', it will use whatever you write under 'block' as default value, and later you can pass the content to replace the default value.

8. Extends main layout and override 'block':

  1. extends layout
  3. block content
  4. p Hello

Now the 'block content' in layout.pug will be overrided with 'p Hello'.

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