Learn how to use the 'withPropsOnChange' higher order component to help ensure that expensive prop computations are only executed when necessary. Simply specify which props are “expensive” and provide a factory function for those props.

shouldMapOrKeys: Array<string> | (props: Object, nextProps: Object) => boolean,
createProps: (ownerProps: Object) => Object
): HigherOrderComponent

Instead of an array of prop keys, the first parameter can also be a function that returns a boolean, given the current props and the next props. This allows you to customize when createProps() should be called.

const { Component } = React;
const { withPropsOnChange, withState, withHandlers, compose } = Recompose; // only generate 'result' when depth changed
const lazyResult = withPropsOnChange(
({ depth }) => ({
result: fibonacci(depth)
); const Fibonacci = lazyResult(({ result, color, size }) =>
<div style={{ color, fontSize: size }}>
Fibonacci Result:<br/>{ result }

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