inheritance in kentico
Visual inheritance
The content of sub-pages is displayed using Page placeholder web parts.
The result of this approach is that the sub-page content is "nested" inside the content of higher‑level pages.
The following picture shows the root (master page) without nested content:
... and here's the home page nested inside the master page:
Please note how the pages are structured in the content tree: the root (master page) is the parent of the Home page which is loaded inside the master page.
You can perform nesting recursively at any level of the content tree.
A necessary component for page nesting is the Page placeholder web part.
This web part must be placed on the master page and it specifies the place where the underlying page will be inserted.
The Page placeholder on the Corporate Site root loads the sub-pages between the main menu and footer:
Configuring visual inheritance
In some cases, you may want to hide some parts of the parent page. There are several ways how to achieve that:
Using the "Inherit content" property of the page template
Select the /News page, go to its Properties -> Template tab and click the Edit template properties action.
Now you can set the Inherit content value to Select inherited levels and check only the Level 1 box.
This means that only the content from the first level of the content hierarchy will be displayed and the root master page (Level 0) is not inherited.
Click Save to confirm the changes.
The page will look like this:
Set the value back to inheritance from Level0 only and click Save.
Similarly, you can set the content inheritance on the level of individual pages using the Properties -> Template dialog.
The content inheritance settings you configure for documents override the settings of the assigned page template.
Configuring content inheritance
Like regular pages, wireframes provide support for master pages and visual inheritance.
This allows them to display content from parent documents in addition to their own specific components.
Content inheritance offers several advantages, such as viewing wireframes within the exact context of the website and being able to manage shared wireframe content in a single location.
To configure the inheritance preferences for dedicated Wireframe documents:
1. Select the wireframe document in the content tree in CMS Desk.
2. Open the Form tab.
3. Select one of the options in the Inherit content section.
Use page template settings
The content inheritance is determined by the settings of the wireframe's template.
To manage the template's configuration:
1. Switch to the Wireframe tab.
2. Right-click the green template header at the top of the wireframe grid and select Edit template.
3. Set the Inherit content property on the General tab of the Page template properties dialog.
Wireframe inheritance options
Wireframe inheritance for combined documents
For combined documents that have both standard content and a wireframe definition, you can find the inheritance settings on the Properties -> Wireframe tab instead.
The wireframe inheritance is completely separate from the content inheritance configured for the actual page (on the Properties -> Template tab).
They do not affect each other in any way and you can set them up differently.
kentico 10
Inheritance allows you to maintain a consistent design throughout the website and manage content shared by multiple pages in a single location.
Portal engine pages can use two different types of content inheritance:
- Page nesting inside ancestor pages
- Inheriting the entire page template from the parent page (shared templates)
Using page nesting
Nested pages display their own content inside other pages. You can nest pages within ancestor pages in the content tree.
What are ancestor pages?
Ancestors include all pages under which a given page is stored, from the root of the site's content tree down to the page's direct parent.
For example, the /Company/Offices/London Office page has the following ancestors:
- Website root page
- /Company
- /Company/Offices
Nesting allows you to organize your website's content tree in the following way:
- Pages that provide shared content on the upper levels
- Individual content pages stored as subpages
Inheriting portal engine page content
- Last updated by Jakub Skurek on November 22, 2016 Export to PDF | Copy page link
Inheritance allows you to maintain a consistent design throughout the website and manage content shared by multiple pages in a single location. Portal engine pages can use two different types of content inheritance:
- Page nesting inside ancestor pages
- Inheriting the entire page template from the parent page (shared templates)
Using page nesting
Nested pages display their own content inside other pages. You can nest pages within ancestor pages in the content tree.
What are ancestor pages?
Ancestors include all pages under which a given page is stored, from the root of the site's content tree down to the page's direct parent.
For example, the /Company/Offices/London Office page has the following ancestors:
- Website root page
- /Company
- /Company/Offices
Nesting allows you to organize your website's content tree in the following way:
- Pages that provide shared content on the upper levels
- Individual content pages stored as subpages
Creating pages that support nesting
Note: The following steps are required for all pages serving as master pages, but you can also set up nesting for any other pages.
To allow subpages to nest within a page:
- Open the Pages application.
- Select the page in the content tree.
- Open the Design tab.
- Add the Page placeholder web part.
The page placeholder specifies the position of nested pages within the content.
When displaying the nested pages, the system loads everything around the page placeholder as fixed content.
Setting default content for page placeholders
By default, the placeholder does not display anything on the page where it is placed. You can configure the placeholder to show one of the website's re-usable page templates as default content:
- Configure the page placeholder web part (double-click).
- Select a template in the Default page template property.
- Click OK.
The page displays the selected template inside the area occupied by the page placeholder. Nested pages ignore the placeholder's default template and display their own content instead.
The Use template on all subpages and Page to display properties force the placeholder to always display the default template or a specific page.
Such placeholders cannot be used for standard page nesting — all nested subpages display the specified content instead of their own.
Configuring pages to nest within ancestors
Tip: You can use page nesting on any number of levels. Nested pages can also contain their own page placeholders for displaying subpages.
- Open the Pages application.
- Select the subpage page in the content tree.
- Open the Properties -> Template tab.
Choose one of the following Page nesting options for the page:
Use page template settings
The page nesting settings are determined by the configuration of the page's template. This option allows you to manage the settings for pages with shared templates.
To modify the page template's nesting settings:
- Click Edit template properties.
- Set the Page nesting options on the General tab.
- Click Save.
The page behaves as a standalone page without any nesting.
Only the nearest master page
The page nests only within the website's master page.
If your website uses multiple master pages, the page nests within the closest master page in the content tree hierarchy.
Specific ancestor pages
Allows you to enable or disable nesting within any ancestor pages (regardless of the master page structure). Specific pages are represented by the checkboxes below.
Inheriting the page template of the parent page
One way to display content from parent pages is to inherit the entire page template.
Pages with an inherited template are mostly identical to the parent, but you can modify them in the following ways:
- Set different content inside the page's editable web parts (Editable text and Editable image)
- Use web parts that display different content based on the page's type and location in the content tree (path)
- Hide web parts on subpages
- Add web parts that appear only on particular page types
A typical scenario where you can use page template inheritance is a parent page of the Page (menu item) type with multiple child pages that aren't set to behave as Page (menu item) types.
By inheriting the template, users can create the child pages without worrying about the page design.
You can use one of the page viewer web parts to dynamically display a list of these child pages on the parent page.
Each child page then displays specific detailed information when viewed.
You can create new pages with an inherited template by choosing the Use parent page template option in the template selection dialog.
Page types that aren't set to behave as Page (menu item) types automatically inherit the template of the parent page by default.
To configure an existing page to inherit the parent page's template:
- In the Pages application, select the page in the content tree.
- Open the Properties -> Template tab.
- Select Inherit from parent in the Template section.
- Click Save.
The child page uses the same page template as the parent.
Any changes that you make to the page template's layout or web part configuration affect both the parent page and all pages that inherit the template.
Tip: The page template inheritance can continue throughout the content tree — pages may inherit from parent pages that already use an inherited template (Parent -> Child -> Descendants...).
Sample inheritance scenario
The following example shows how the system processes a request for a nested product page: /Products/Notebooks/Dell-XPS-15z
This sample scenario demonstrates content inheritance through both page nesting (Page placeholder web parts) and page template sharing.
The portal engine loads the templates in the following order:
1. / (root)
Website master template
2. /Products
Products page template
3. /Products/Notebooks
Laptops page template
4. /Products/Notebooks/Dell-XPS-15z
Laptops page template - inherits the page template from the parent page.
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