Kafka uses an external coordination framework (by default Zookeeper) to maintain configuration. It seems the configuration is now out-of-sync with the Kafka log data. In this case, I'd remove affected topic data and related Zookeeper data.

For Test Environment:

  1. Stop Kafka-server and Zookeeper-server
  2. Remove the data directories of both services, by default they are /tmp/kafka-log and /tmp/zookeeper.
  3. Start Kafka-server and Zookeeper-server again
  4. Create a new topic

Now you are able to work with the topic again.

For Production Environment:

As the Kafka topics are stored in different directories, you should remove particular directories. You should also remove /brokers/{broker_id}/topics/{broken_topic} from
Zookeeper by using a Zookeeper client.

Please read Kafka documentation carefully to make sure the configuration structure, before you do anything stupid. Kafka is rolling out a delete
topic feature (KAFKA-330),
so that the problem can be solved more easily.

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