- ################################################################################################################
## import time
# def foo():
# time.sleep(3)
# print('你好啊林师傅')
# def test(func):
# # print(func)
# start_time=time.time()
# func()
# stop_time = time.time()
# print('函数运行时间是 %s' % (stop_time-start_time))
# # foo()
# test(foo)
# def foo():
# print('from the foo')
# def test(func):
# return func- # res=test(foo)
# # print(res)
# res()- # foo=test(foo)
# # # print(res)
# foo()
# import time
# def foo():
# time.sleep(3)
# print('来自foo')
# def timer(func):
# start_time=time.time()
# func()
# stop_time = time.time()
# print('函数运行时间是 %s' % (stop_time-start_time))
# return func
# foo=timer(foo)
# foo()
# def timer(func):
# start_time=time.time()
# return func
# stop_time = time.time()
# print('函数运行时间是 %s' % (stop_time-start_time))
# foo=timer(foo)
# foo()
# def bar():
# print('from bar')
# def foo():
# print('from foo')
# bar()
# pass
# print(foo())
# def father(name):
# print('from father %s'%name)
# def son():
# print('from son')
# def grandson():
# print('from grandson')
# grandson()
# son()
# father('pandaboy')
# from father pandaboy
# from son
# from grandson
# 1.定义一个函数(参数为另一个函数)
# 2.设定返回值,返回值为内部函数名称
# 3.定义内部函数,设定内部函数的方法
# def timer(func):
# def wrapper():
# # print(func)#嵌套的作用域
# strat_time = time.time()
# func()
# stop_time = time.time()
# print('运行时间是%s'%(stop_time-strat_time))
# return wrapper
# import time
# @timer#作用是对函数进行计时
# def test():
# time.sleep(3)
# print('test函数运行完毕')
# timer(test)#返回的是wrapper的地址
# test = timer(test)
# test()
# test函数运行完毕
# 运行时间是3.0108001232147217
# def timer(func):
# def wrapper():
# # print(func)#嵌套的作用域
# strat_time = time.time()
# res = func()#赋值给func(),实际会赋值给test函数的一个返回值
# stop_time = time.time()
# print('运行时间是%s'%(stop_time-strat_time))
# return res#设定返回值
# return wrapper
# import time
# @timer#作用是对函数进行计时
# def test():
# time.sleep(3)
# print('test函数运行完毕')
# return 1
# # timer(test)#返回的是wrapper的地址
# # test = timer(test)
# res1 = test()
# print(res1)
# def timer(func):
# def wrapper(*args,**kwargs):#默认可以输入任何参数
# # print(func)#嵌套的作用域
# strat_time = time.time()
# res = func(*args,**kwargs)#就是在运行test(),赋值给func(),实际会赋值给test函数的一个返回值
# stop_time = time.time()
# print('运行时间是%s'%(stop_time-strat_time))
# return res#设定返回值
# return wrapper
# import time
# @timer#test = timer(test)作用是对函数进行计时
# def test(name,age):
# time.sleep(3)
# print('test函数运行完毕,【名字是】:%s,【年龄是】:%s'%(name,age))
# return 1
# # timer(test)#返回的是wrapper的地址
# # test = timer(test)
# res1 = test('alex','18')#就是在运行wrapper
# print(res1)
#解压序列 a,b,c = (1,2,3)数值是一一对应的关系
# a,b = (1,2)
# a,b = b,a
# print(a,b)
# 2 1
# user_dic = {'username':None,'login':False}
# def auth_func(func):
# def wrapper(*args,**kwargs):
# if user_dic['username'] and user_dic['login'] == True:
# res = func(*args, **kwargs)
# return res
# username = input('用户名:').strip()
# password = input('密码:').strip()
# if username =='pandaboy' and password =='123456':
# user_dic['username'] = username
# user_dic['login'] = True
# res = func(*args,**kwargs)
# return res
# else:
# print('用户名或密码错误')
# return wrapper
# @auth_func
# def index():
# print('欢迎来到主页')
# @auth_func
# def home(name):
# print('欢迎访问根目录%s'%name)
# def shopping_car():
# print('查询数据库里的内容')#需要访问列表中的数据库数据
# def order():
# print('查询订单内容')
# #给所有的函数加上验证功能
# index()
# home('alex')
# user_list=[
# {'name':'alex','passwd':'123'},
# {'name':'linhaifeng','passwd':'123'},
# {'name':'wupeiqi','passwd':'123'},
# {'name':'yuanhao','passwd':'123'},
# ]
# current_dic = {'username':None,'login':False}
# def auth_func(func):
# def wrapper(*args,**kwargs):
# if current_dic['username'] and current_dic['login'] == True:
# res = func(*args, **kwargs)
# return res
# username = input('用户名:').strip()
# password = input('密码:').strip()
# for user_dic in user_list:
# if username ==user_dic['name'] and password ==user_dic['passwd']:
# current_dic['username']=username
# current_dic['login']=True
# res = func(*args, **kwargs)
# return res
# else:
# print('用户名或密码错误')
# return wrapper
# @auth_func
# def index():
# print('欢迎来到主页')
# @auth_func
# def home(name):
# print('欢迎访问根目录%s'%name)
# def shopping_car():
# print('查询数据库里的内容')#需要访问列表中的数据库数据
# def order():
# print('查询订单内容')
# #给所有的函数加上验证功能
# index()
# home('alex')
# # 用户名:alex
# # 密码:123
# # 欢迎来到主页
# # 欢迎访问根目录alex
# 关系型数据库:Mysql Oracle
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