FPGA proven, AISC proven, I2C controller core from OpenCores



5  block

  1) capture SCL and SDA    

 -- port
scl_i : in std_logic;
sda_i : in std_logic; 5 -- architecture 7 -- block
bus_status_ctrl : block
singal cSCL, cSDA : std_logic_vector( downto ); capture_scl_sda: process(clk, nRst)
if (nRst = '') then
cSCL <= "";
cSDA <= "";
elsif (clk'event and clk = '') then
if (rst = '') then
cSCL <= "";
cSDA <= "";
cSCL <= (cSCL() & scl_i);
cSDA <= (cSDA() & sda_i);
end process capture_scl_sda;

  2) filter SCL and SDA (glitch-free)

 1 -- port
ena : in std_logic; -- core enable signal
clk_cnt : in unsigned( downto ); -- clock prescale value 5 -- block
signal fSCL : std_logic_vector( downto ); -- filter inputs for SCL
signal fSDA : std_logic_vector( downto ); -- filter inputs for SDA
signal filter_cnt : unsigned( downto ); -- clock divider for filter filter_divider: process(clk, nRst)
if (nRst = '') then
filter_cnt <= (others => '');
elsif (clk'event and clk = '') then
if ( (rst = '') or (ena = '') ) then
filter_cnt <= (others => '');
elsif (filter_cnt = ) then
filter_cnt <= clk_cnt( downto );
filter_cnt <= filter_cnt -;
end if;
end if;
end process filter_divider; filter_scl_sda: process(clk, nRst)
if (nRst = '') then
fSCL <= (others => '');
fSDA <= (others => '');
elsif (clk'event and clk = '') then
if (rst = '') then
fSCL <= (others => '');
fSDA <= (others => '');
elsif (filter_cnt = ) then
fSCL <= (fSCL( downto ) & cSCL());
fSDA <= (fSDA( downto ) & cSDA());
end if;
end if;
end process filter_scl_sda;

  3) generate filtered SCL and SDA signals

 1 -- architecture
signal sSCL, sSDA : std_logic; -- synchronized SCL and SDA inputs
signal dSCL, dSDA : std_logic; -- delayed versions ofsSCL and sSDA 5 -- block
scl_sda: process(clk, nRst)
if (nRst = '') then
sSCL <= '';
sSDA <= ''; dSCL <= '';
dSDA <= '';
elsif (clk'event and clk = '') then
if (rst = '') then
sSCL <= '';
sSDA <= ''; dSCL <= '';
dSDA <= '';
sSCL <= (fSCL() and fSCL()) or
(fSCL() and fSCL()) or
(fSCL() and fSCL());
sSDA <= (fSDA() and fSDA()) or
(fSDA() and fSDA()) or
(fSDA() and fSDA()); dSCL <= sSCL;
dSDA <= sSDA;
end if;
end if;
end process scl_sda;

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