HDU6043 KazaQ's Socks
At the beginning, he has n pairs of socks numbered from 1 to n in his closets.
Every morning, he puts on a pair of socks which has the smallest number in the closets.
Every evening, he puts this pair of socks in the basket. If there are n−1 pairs of socks in the basket now, lazy KazaQ has to wash them. These socks will be put in the closets again in tomorrow evening.
KazaQ would like to know which pair of socks he should wear on the k-th day.
For each case, there is a line contains two numbers n,k (2≤n≤109,1≤k≤1018).
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
#include <ctype.h> using namespace std; int main()
long long int n,k,cnt=;
cout<<"Case #"<<cnt++<<": "<<k<<endl;
int a=(k-n)/(n-),b=(k-n)%(n-);
cout<<"Case #"<<cnt++<<": "<<b<<endl;
cout<<"Case #"<<cnt++<<": "<<n<<endl;
cout<<"Case #"<<cnt++<<": "<<n-<<endl;
return ;
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