T4 代码生成 Demo (抽奖程序)
参考自这位大狮的: https://github.com/Pencroff/Dapper-DAL/blob/master/Dapper-DAL/Models/ModelGenerator.tt
项目Demo下载 http://download.csdn.net/detail/qq_21533697/9904071
- 支持Oracle,MSSQL,SQLite
- Demo项目是个抽奖小程序,抽奖只用到了LuckDraw表
- Demo用的SQLite包含库方便直接运行
- 里面用到Dapper就只写了Model层的模板,
表结构读取抽象类 SchemaReader.ttinclude
- <#+
- /*
- The contents of this file are subject to the New BSD
- License (the "License"); you may not use this file
- except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- the License at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
- implied. See the License for the specific language governing
- rights and limitations under the License.
- */
- string ConnectionString = "";
- string TableFilter = "";
- string TopNamespace = "";
- string Namespace = "";
- string ClassPrefix = "";
- string ClassSuffix = "";
- string SchemaName = null;
- bool IncludeViews;
- string[] ExcludeTablePrefixes = new string[]{};
- string _connectionString="";
- string _providerName="";
- static Regex rxCleanUp = new Regex(@"[^\w\d_]", RegexOptions.Compiled);
- static Func<string, string> CleanUp = (str) =>
- {
- str = rxCleanUp.Replace(str, "_");
- if (char.IsDigit(str[])) str = "_" + str;
- return str;
- };
- string CheckNullable(Column col)
- {
- string result="";
- if(col.IsNullable &&
- col.PropertyType !="byte[]" &&
- col.PropertyType !="string" &&
- col.PropertyType !="Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.SqlGeography" &&
- col.PropertyType !="Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.SqlGeometry"
- )
- result="?";
- return result;
- }
- static bool IsExcluded(string tablename, string[] ExcludeTablePrefixes)
- {
- for (int i = ; i < ExcludeTablePrefixes.Length; i++)
- {
- string s = ExcludeTablePrefixes[i];
- if(tablename.StartsWith(s)) return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- abstract class SchemaReader
- {
- public abstract Tables ReadSchema(string connstr, string tableFilter);
- public GeneratedTextTransformation outer;
- public void WriteLine(string o)
- {
- outer.WriteLine(o);
- }
- public string GetPropertyType(string sqlType)
- {
- string sysType = "string";
- switch (sqlType)
- {
- case "bigint":
- sysType = "long";
- break;
- case "smallint":
- sysType = "short";
- break;
- case "int":
- case "number":
- case "integer":
- sysType = "int";
- break;
- case "uniqueidentifier":
- sysType = "Guid";
- break;
- case "smalldatetime":
- case "datetime":
- case "date":
- case "time":
- sysType = "DateTime";
- break;
- case "float":
- sysType = "double";
- break;
- case "real":
- sysType = "float";
- break;
- case "numeric":
- case "smallmoney":
- case "decimal":
- case "money":
- sysType = "decimal";
- break;
- case "tinyint":
- sysType = "byte";
- break;
- case "bit":
- sysType = "bool";
- break;
- case "image":
- case "binary":
- case "varbinary":
- case "timestamp":
- sysType = "byte[]";
- break;
- case "geography":
- sysType = "Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.SqlGeography";
- break;
- case "geometry":
- sysType = "Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.SqlGeometry";
- break;
- }
- return sysType;
- }
- }
- public class Table
- {
- public List<Column> Columns;
- public string Name;
- public string Schema;
- public bool IsView;
- public string CleanName;
- public string ClassName;
- public string SequenceName;
- public bool Ignore;
- public Column PK
- {
- get
- {
- return this.Columns.SingleOrDefault(x=>x.IsPK);
- }
- }
- public Column GetColumn(string columnName)
- {
- return Columns.Single(x=>string.Compare(x.Name, columnName, true)==);
- }
- public Column this[string columnName]
- {
- get
- {
- return GetColumn(columnName);
- }
- }
- }
- public class Column
- {
- public string Name;
- public string PropertyName;
- public string PropertyType;
- public string DbType;
- public bool IsPK;
- public bool IsNullable;
- public bool IsAutoIncrement;
- public bool Ignore;
- }
- public class Tables : List<Table>
- {
- public Tables()
- {
- }
- public Table GetTable(string tableName)
- {
- return this.Single(x=>string.Compare(x.Name, tableName, true)==);
- }
- public Table this[string tableName]
- {
- get
- {
- return GetTable(tableName);
- }
- }
- }
- #>
SQLite表结构读取实现 SQLiteSchemaReader.ttinclude
- <#@ include file=".\SchemaReader.ttinclude" #>
- <#+
- Tables LoadTables()
- {
- WriteLine("// This file was automatically generated by the Dapper.SimpleCRUD T4 Template");
- WriteLine("// Do not make changes directly to this file - edit the template instead");
- WriteLine("// ");
- WriteLine("// The following connection settings were used to generate this file");
- WriteLine("// ");
- WriteLine("// Connection String : `{0}`", ConnectionString);
- WriteLine("");
- //DbProviderFactory _factory ;
- try
- {
- // _factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(ProviderName);
- }
- catch (Exception x)
- {
- var error=x.Message.Replace("\r\n", "\n").Replace("\n", " ");
- WriteLine("");
- WriteLine("// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
- WriteLine("// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
- WriteLine("");
- return new Tables();
- }
- try
- {
- Tables result;
- SchemaReader reader= new SqliteSchemaReader();
- result=reader.ReadSchema(ConnectionString, TableFilter);
- for (int i=result.Count-; i>=; i--)
- {
- if (SchemaName!=null && string.Compare(result[i].Schema, SchemaName, true)!=)
- {
- result.RemoveAt(i);
- continue;
- }
- if (!IncludeViews && result[i].IsView)
- {
- result.RemoveAt(i);
- continue;
- }
- }
- var rxClean = new Regex("^(Equals|GetHashCode|GetType|ToString|repo|Save|IsNew|Insert|Update|Delete|Exists|SingleOrDefault|Single|First|FirstOrDefault|Fetch|Page|Query)$");
- foreach (var t in result)
- {
- t.ClassName = ClassPrefix + t.ClassName + ClassSuffix;
- foreach (var c in t.Columns)
- {
- c.PropertyName = rxClean.Replace(c.PropertyName, "_$1");
- // Make sure property name doesn't clash with class name
- if (c.PropertyName == t.ClassName)
- c.PropertyName = "_" + c.PropertyName;
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- catch (Exception x)
- {
- var error=x.Message.Replace("\r\n", "\n").Replace("\n", " ");
- Warning(string.Format("Failed to read database schema - {0}", error));
- WriteLine("");
- WriteLine("// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
- WriteLine("// Failed to read database schema - {0}", error);
- WriteLine("// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
- WriteLine("");
- return new Tables();
- }
- }
- class SqliteSchemaReader : SchemaReader
- {
- private string _connstr {get;set;}
- public override Tables ReadSchema(string connstr, string tableFilter)
- {
- _connstr = connstr;
- var result = new Tables();
- //pull the tables in a reader
- using (IDataReader rdr = ExecuteReader(TABLE_SQL + tableFilter)) // SQLitehelper.
- {
- while (rdr.Read())
- {
- Table tbl = new Table();
- tbl.Name = rdr["name"].ToString();
- //tbl.Schema = rdr["TABLE_SCHEMA"].ToString();
- //tbl.IsView = string.Compare(rdr["TABLE_TYPE"].ToString(), "View", true) == 0;
- tbl.CleanName = CleanUp(tbl.Name);
- // tbl.CleanName = T4Generator.CleanUp(tbl.Name);
- if (tbl.CleanName.StartsWith("tbl_")) tbl.CleanName = tbl.CleanName.Replace("tbl_", "");
- if (tbl.CleanName.StartsWith("tbl")) tbl.CleanName = tbl.CleanName.Replace("tbl", "");
- tbl.CleanName = tbl.CleanName.Replace("_", "");
- tbl.ClassName = tbl.CleanName;
- result.Add(tbl);
- }
- }
- foreach (var tbl in result)
- {
- tbl.Columns = LoadColumns(tbl);
- //Mark the primary key
- //string PrimaryKey = GetPK(tbl.Schema, tbl.Name);
- //var pkColumn = tbl.Columns.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToLower().Trim() == PrimaryKey.ToLower().Trim());
- //if (pkColumn != null)
- //{
- // pkColumn.IsPK = true;
- //}
- }
- return result;
- }
- List<Column> LoadColumns(Table tbl)
- {
- var result = new List<Column>();
- using (IDataReader rdr = ExecuteReader(COLUMN_SQL.Replace("@tableName", tbl.Name))) // SQLitehelper.
- {
- while (rdr.Read())
- {
- Column col = new Column();
- col.Name = rdr["name"].ToString();
- col.PropertyName = CleanUp(col.Name);
- //col.PropertyName = T4Generator.CleanUp(col.Name);
- col.PropertyType = base.GetPropertyType(rdr["type"].ToString().ToLower());
- col.IsNullable = rdr["notnull"].ToString() != "";
- //col.IsAutoIncrement = false; //((int)rdr["IsIdentity"]) == 1;
- col.IsPK = rdr["pk"].ToString() == "";
- result.Add(col);
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- string Table_Filter = " ";
- const string TABLE_SQL = " select name from sqlite_master where type = 'table' ";
- const string COLUMN_SQL = " PRAGMA table_info(@tableName) ";
- /// <summary>
- /// 查询
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="sql">sql语句</param>
- /// <param name="slPars">参数</param>
- /// <returns>发挥SQLiteDataReader</returns>
- public SQLiteDataReader ExecuteReader(string sql, params SQLiteParameter[] slPars)
- {
- SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(_connstr);
- using (SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(sql,conn))
- {
- if (slPars != null)
- {
- cmd.Parameters.AddRange(slPars);
- }
- try
- {
- conn.Open();
- return cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
- }
- catch(Exception ex)
- {
- conn.Close();
- conn.Dispose();
- throw ex;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #>
SQLite配置文件 SQLiteInit.ttinclude
1.配置连接串 注意修改连接串为自己对应的 ConnectionString = @"Data Source=E:/cc/test/LotterySite/Lib/db/cater.db;";
2.需要生成的表 3.顶级命名空间 4.一个库对应一个配置文件 (开始是把这些配置直接写在各层模板文件的,后来涉及多库的切换,每个文件改链接麻烦)
- <#@ include file="./SQLiteSchemaReader.ttinclude" #>
- <# // 初始化文件 一个库对应一个ttinclude文件
- // Settings 初始化配置
- ConnectionString = @"Data Source=E:/cc/test/LotterySite/Lib/db/cater.db;"; // 连接串
- TableFilter = " and name in ('LuckDraw') "; // 过滤表
- TopNamespace = "FW"; // 顶级命名空间
- ClassPrefix = "";
- ClassSuffix = "";
- IncludeViews = true;
- ExcludeTablePrefixes = new string[]{"aspnet_","webpages_"};
- // Read schema
- var tables = LoadTables(); //读取的所有表结构
- #>
SQLite 模板使用
- <#@ template hostspecific="True" #>
- <#@ include file="EF.Utility.CS.ttinclude"#>
- <#@ include file="$(SolutionDir)\FW.Common\T4Ttinclude\SQLiteInit.ttinclude" #>
- <#@ assembly name="EnvDTE" #>
- <#@ assembly name="System.Data" #>
- <#@ assembly name="System.Data.Entity.Design" #>
- <#@ assembly name="System.Xml" #>
- <#@ assembly name="System.Configuration" #>
- <#@ assembly name="$(SolutionDir)\Lib\sqlite\System.Data.SQLite.dll" #>
- <#@ import namespace="System.Collections.Generic" #>
- <#@ import namespace="System.Data" #>
- <#@ import namespace="System.Data.Common" #>
- <#@ import namespace="System.Diagnostics" #>
- <#@ import namespace="System.Globalization" #>
- <#@ import namespace="System.IO" #>
- <#@ import namespace="System.Linq" #>
- <#@ import namespace="System.Text" #>
- <#@ import namespace="System.Text.RegularExpressions" #>
- <#@ import namespace="System.Configuration" #>
- <#@ import namespace="System.Data.SQLite" #>
- <#@ output extension=".cst"#>
- <#
- Namespace = TopNamespace + ".TestModel";
- // Read schema
- EntityFrameworkTemplateFileManager fileManager = EntityFrameworkTemplateFileManager.Create(this); // 多文件生成
- /*
- // Tweak Schema
- tables["tablename"].Ignore = true; // To ignore a table
- tables["tablename"].ClassName = "newname"; // To change the class name of a table
- tables["tablename"]["columnname"].Ignore = true; // To ignore a column
- tables["tablename"]["columnname"].PropertyName="newname"; // To change the property name of a column
- tables["tablename"]["columnname"].PropertyType="bool"; // To change the property type of a column
- */
- #>
- <# fileManager.StartHeader(); #>
- using System;
- using Dapper;
- using Dapper.Contrib.Extensions;
- namespace <#=Namespace #>
- {
- <# fileManager.EndBlock(); #>
- <#
- foreach(Table tbl in from t in tables where !t.Ignore select t){
- if(IsExcluded(tbl.Name, ExcludeTablePrefixes)) continue;
- fileManager.StartNewFile(tbl.Name+".cs"); // 新建文件
- #>
- /// <summary>
- /// A class which represents the <#=tbl.Name#> <#=(tbl.IsView)?"view":"table"#>.
- /// </summary>
- [Table("[<#=tbl.Name#>]")]
- public partial class <#=tbl.ClassName#>
- {
- /* <#foreach(Column col in from c in tbl.Columns where !c.Ignore select c) {#> <#=col.PropertyName #> <#}#> */
- <#foreach(Column col in from c in tbl.Columns where !c.Ignore select c)
- {#>
- <# if (tbl.PK!=null && tbl.PK.Name==col.PropertyName) { #>
- [Key]
- <#}#>
- public virtual <#=col.PropertyType #><#=CheckNullable(col)#> <#=col.PropertyName #> { get; set; }
- <#}#>
- }
- <#}#>
- <# fileManager.StartFooter(); #>
- } // namespace
- <# fileManager.EndBlock(); #>
- <# fileManager.Process(true); #>
Namespace 命名空间
tables 表结构集合
Name 数据库中的表名
ClassName 实体类名称
IsView 是否是视图(没怎么用)
PK.Name 主键列名
PropertyName 属性名称
PropertyType 属性类型
CheckNullable(col) 可空类型判断
<#@ include file="$(SolutionDir)\FW.Common\T4Ttinclude\SQLiteInit.ttinclude" #>
$(SolutionDir) 解决方案目录
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