

  • 我们写一个简单的测试
# test_demo.py
import pytest @pytest.mark.login
def test_demo():
assert True
  • 你运行的话会有如下提示
test_demo.py:4: PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.login - is this a typo?  You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/mark.html
@pytest.mark.login -- Docs: https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/capture-warnings.html
  • 上面两个文档值得你的仔细阅读


  • 新建一个文件pytest.ini(在哪里创建?你应该要知道,跟你的项目结构有关),写入如下内容
login: login test demo
  • 再次运行就不会有PytestUnknownMarkWarning


  • 创建一个conftest.py

    def pytest_configure(config):
    "markers", "login: login test demo"
  • 效果是一样的


  • 通过命令行参数-m即可

  • 比如现在有这个case

    import pytest
    def test_demo1():
    assert True @pytest.mark.logout
    def test_demo2():
    assert True
  • contest.py

    def pytest_configure(config):
    config.addinivalue_line("markers", "login: login test demo",)
    config.addinivalue_line("markers", "logout: logout test demo")# 注意一个marker要写一个addinivalue_line
  • 运行的时候带上-m login即可选择登录用例进行测试

  • 而-m的语法还比较复杂,可以参考-k的

    only run tests which match the given substring expression. An expression is a python evaluatable
    expression where all names are substring-matched against test names and their parent classes.
    Example: -k 'test_method or test_other' matches all test functions and classes whose name
    contains 'test_method' or 'test_other', while -k 'not test_method' matches those that don't
    contain 'test_method' in their names. -k 'not test_method and not test_other' will eliminate the
    matches. Additionally keywords are matched to classes and functions containing extra names in
    their 'extra_keyword_matches' set, as well as functions which have names assigned directly to
    them. The matching is case-insensitive.
    -m MARKEXPR   only run tests matching given mark expression.For example: -m 'mark1 and not mark2'.


  • 查询markers

    pytest --markers
    # 能查到当前注册的markers

  • 命令行参数--strict-markers

    pytest.main(['-sv','--strict-markers',__file__])   # 强制markers必须要注册
  • 或者放pytest.ini中

    addopts = --strict-markers
  • 会产生如下信息

    =================================== ERRORS ====================================
    ________________________ ERROR collecting test_demo.py ________________________
    'login' not found in `markers` configuration option
    =========================== short test summary info ===========================
    ERROR test_demo.py
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Interrupted: 1 error during collection !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ============================== 1 error in 0.08s ===============================

  • marker是pytest中pick用例的多种方式之一(-m),其他pick用例的方式比如-k,--allure的几个

    --allure-ids=IDS_SET Comma-separated list of IDs.

pytest中处理warning的方式考虑单独开个章节讲下 TODO


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