

2'd0:q <= d;
2'd1:q <= in1;
2'd2:q <= in2;
2'd3:q <= in3;
default: ;


Warning (10235): Verilog HDL Always Construct warning at top_module.v(27): variable "d" is read inside the Always Construct but isn't in the Always Construct's Event Control File: /home/h/work/hdlbits.4515504/top_module.v Line: 27

Warning (10235): Verilog HDL Always Construct warning at top_module.v(28): variable "in1" is read inside the Always Construct but isn't in the Always Construct's Event Control File: /home/h/work/hdlbits.4515504/top_module.v Line: 28

Warning (10235): Verilog HDL Always Construct warning at top_module.v(29): variable "in2" is read inside the Always Construct but isn't in the Always Construct's Event Control File: /home/h/work/hdlbits.4515504/top_module.v Line: 29


2'd0:q <= d;
2'd1:q <= in1;
2'd2:q <= in2;
2'd3:q <= in3;
default: ;


2'd0:q <= d;
2'd1:q <= in1;
2'd2:q <= in2;
2'd3:q <= in3;
default: ;


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