


  insert($data, $return_insert_id = false, $replace = false)
  1. /**
  2. * 执行添加记录操作
  3. * @param $data 要增加的数据,参数为数组。数组key为字段值,数组值为数据取值
  4. * @param $return_insert_id 是否返回新建ID号
  5. * @param $replace 是否采用 replace into的方式添加数据
  6. * @return boolean
  7. */
  9. insert($data, $return_insert_id = false, $replace = false)

union_listinfo($main_table, $secondary_table, $fields = '*', $where = '', $order = '', $page = 1, $pagesize = 20, $union_on='m.id=s.id',$limit='')

  1. /**
  2. * 两个表联合查询分页
  3. * @param string $main_table 主表
  4. * @param string $secondary_table 副表
  5. * @param string $data 查询字段
  6. * @param string $where 条件
  7. * @param string $order 排序
  8. * @param string $page 分页
  9. * @param string $pagesize 每页记录数
  10. * @return array
  11. * @author:hans
  12. */
  13. union_listinfo($main_table, $secondary_table, $fields = '*', $where = '', $order = '', $page = 1, $pagesize = 20, $union_on='m.id=s.id',$limit='')


  1. delete($where)
  1. /**
  2. * 执行删除记录操作
  3. * @param $where 删除数据条件,不充许为空。
  4. * @return boolean
  5. */
  6. delete($where)


  1. update($data, $where = '')
  1. /**
  2. * 执行更新记录操作
  3. * @param $data 要更新的数据内容,参数可以为数组也可以为字符串,建议数组。
  4. * 为数组时数组key为字段值,数组值为数据取值
  5. * 为字符串时[例:`name`='phpcms',`hits`=`hits`+1]。
  6. * 为数组时[例: array('name'=>'phpcms','password'=>'123456')]
  7. * 数组的另一种使用array('name'=>'+=1', 'base'=>'-=1');程序会自动解析为`name` = `name` + 1, `base` = `base` - 1
  8. * @param $where 更新数据时的条件,可为数组或字符串
  9. * @return boolean
  10. */
  11. update($data, $where = '')


  1. select($where = '', $data = '*', $limit = '', $order = '', $group = '', $key='')
  1. /**
  2. * 执行sql查询
  3. * @param $where 查询条件[例`name`='$name']
  4. * @param $data 需要查询的字段值[例`name`,`gender`,`birthday`]
  5. * @param $limit 返回结果范围[例:10或10,10 默认为空]
  6. * @param $order 排序方式 [默认按数据库默认方式排序]
  7. * @param $group 分组方式 [默认为空]
  8. * @param $key 返回数组按键名排序
  9. * @return array 查询结果集数组
  10. */
  11. final public function select($where = '', $data = '*', $limit = '', $order = '', $group = '', $key='') {
  12. if (is_array($where)) $where = $this->sqls($where);
  13. return $this->db->select($data, $this->table_name, $where, $limit, $order, $group, $key);
  14. }
  1. get_one($where = '', $data = '*', $order = '', $group = '')
  1. /**
  2. * 获取单条记录查询
  3. * @param $where 查询条件
  4. * @param $data 需要查询的字段值[例`name`,`gender`,`birthday`]
  5. * @param $order 排序方式 [默认按数据库默认方式排序]
  6. * @param $group 分组方式 [默认为空]
  7. * @return array/null 数据查询结果集,如果不存在,则返回空
  8. */
  9. final public function get_one($where = '', $data = '*', $order = '', $group = '') {
  10. if (is_array($where)) $where = $this->sqls($where);
  11. return $this->db->get_one($data, $this->table_name, $where, $order, $group);
  12. }
  1. query($sql) query来执行sql,得到的结果需要遍历一次才是数组
  1. /**
  2. * 直接执行sql查询
  3. * @param $sql 查询sql语句
  4. * @return boolean/query resource 如果为查询语句,返回资源句柄,否则返回true/false
  5. */
  6. final public function query($sql) {
  7. $sql = str_replace('phpcms_', $this->db_tablepre, $sql);
  8. return $this->db->query($sql);
  9. }
  1. listinfo($where = '', $order = '', $page = 1, $pagesize = 20, $key='', $setpages = 10,$urlrule = '',$array = array(), $data = '*')
  1. /**
  2. * 查询多条数据并分页
  3. * @param $where
  4. * @param $order
  5. * @param $page
  6. * @param $pagesize
  7. * @return unknown_type
  8. */
  9. final public function listinfo($where = '', $order = '', $page = 1, $pagesize = 20, $key='', $setpages = 10,$urlrule = '',$array = array(), $data = '*') {
  10. $where = to_sqls($where);
  11. $this->number = $this->count($where);
  12. $page = max(intval($page), 1);
  13. $offset = $pagesize*($page-1);
  14. $this->pages = pages($this->number, $page, $pagesize, $urlrule, $array, $setpages);
  15. $array = array();
  16. if ($this->number > 0) {
  17. return $this->select($where, $data, "$offset, $pagesize", $order, '', $key);
  18. } else {
  19. return array();
  20. }
  21. }
  1. union_listinfo($main_table, $secondary_table, $fields = '*', $where = '', $order = '', $page = 1, $pagesize = 20, $union_on='m.id=s.id',$limit='')
    多表链接查询,类似tp里面的leftjoininnerjoin 一般用于主表和附表链
  1. public function union_listinfo($main_table, $secondary_table, $fields = '*', $where = '', $order = '', $page = 1, $pagesize = 20, $union_on='m.id=s.id',$limit='') {
  2. /*获取记录总数*/
  3. $query_count = "SELECT count(*) AS `total` FROM $main_table AS m INNER JOIN $secondary_table AS s ON $union_on WHERE $where";
  4. $this->db->query($query_count);
  5. $counts = $this->db->fetch_next();
  6. $this->number = $counts['total'];
  7. /*设置分页*/
  8. $page = max(intval($page), 1);
  9. $offset = $pagesize*($page-1);
  10. $this->pages = pages($this->number, $page, $pagesize);
  11. /*获取记录*/
  12. $array = array();
  13. if ($this->number > 0) {
  14. $query = "SELECT $fields FROM $main_table AS m";
  15. $query .= " INNER JOIN $secondary_table AS s ON $union_on";
  16. $query .= " WHERE $where";
  17. if($order) $query .= " ORDER BY $order";//排序
  18. if($limit) $query .= " LIMIT $limit";
  19. else $query .= " LIMIT $offset, $pagesize";
  20. $this->db->query($query);
  21. $data = array();
  22. while($r = $this->db->fetch_next()) {
  23. $data[] = $r;
  24. }
  25. return $data;
  26. } else {
  27. return array();
  28. }
  29. }
  1. 其他查询 目前还没用到:
  2. count($where = '')
  1. /**
  2. * 计算记录数
  3. * @param string/array $where 查询条件
  4. */
  5. final public function count($where = '') {
  6. $r = $this->get_one($where, "COUNT(*) AS num");
  7. return $r['num'];
  8. }


  1. /**
  2. * 获取最后一次添加记录的主键号
  3. * @return int
  4. */
  5. final public function insert_id() {
  6. return $this->db->insert_id();
  7. }



get_fields($table_name = '')




  1. /**
  2. * 获取最后数据库操作影响到的条数
  3. * @return int
  4. */
  5. final public function affected_rows() {
  6. return $this->db->affected_rows();
  7. }
  9. /**
  10. * 获取数据表主键
  11. * @return array
  12. */
  13. final public function get_primary() {
  14. return $this->db->get_primary($this->table_name);
  15. }
  17. /**
  18. * 获取表字段
  19. * @param string $table_name 表名
  20. * @return array
  21. */
  22. final public function get_fields($table_name = '') {
  23. if (empty($table_name)) {
  24. $table_name = $this->table_name;
  25. } else {
  26. $table_name = $this->db_tablepre.$table_name;
  27. }
  28. return $this->db->get_fields($table_name);
  29. }
  31. /**
  32. * 检查表是否存在
  33. * @param $table 表名
  34. * @return boolean
  35. */
  36. final public function table_exists($table){
  37. return $this->db->table_exists($this->db_tablepre.$table);
  38. }
  40. /**
  41. * 检查字段是否存在
  42. * @param $field 字段名
  43. * @return boolean
  44. */
  45. public function field_exists($field) {
  46. $fields = $this->db->get_fields($this->table_name);
  47. return array_key_exists($field, $fields);
  48. }
  50. final public function list_tables() {
  51. return $this->db->list_tables();
  52. }
  53. /**
  54. * 返回数据结果集
  55. * @param $query (mysql_query返回值)
  56. * @return array
  57. */
  58. final public function fetch_array() {
  59. $data = array();
  60. while($r = $this->db->fetch_next()) {
  61. $data[] = $r;
  62. }
  63. return $data;
  64. }

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