Google 的 Gson 库,Gson 是一个非常强大的库,可以将 JSON 格式的数据转化成 Java 对象,也支持将 Java 对象转成 JSON 数据格式。

Gson 依赖

本文将会快速开始使用 Gson 进行序列化操作。由于很多读者都是 Android 开发人员,我们会提供 Java 环境中的 Gson。在开始之前,我们需要引入 Gson 库到自己的项目中,最新的版本是 2.8.0.

Gradle 项目添加

compile ''

Maven 项目添加



UserSimple userObject = new UserSimple(
); Gson gson = new Gson();
String userJson = gson.toJson(userObject);


String userJson = "{'age':26,'email':'','isDeveloper':true,'name':'Norman'}";
Gson gson = new Gson();
UserSimple userObject = gson.fromJson(userJson, UserSimple.class);


public class Founder {
String name;
int flowerCount;
String founderJson = "[{'name': 'Christian','flowerCount': 1}, {'name': 'Marcus', 'flowerCount': 3}, {'name': 'Norman', 'flowerCount': 2}]";

Gson gson = new Gson();
Founder[] founderArray = gson.fromJson(founderJson, Founder[].class);


String founderJson = "[{'name': 'Christian','flowerCount': 1}, {'name': 'Marcus', 'flowerCount': 3}, {'name': 'Norman', 'flowerCount': 2}]";

Gson gson = new Gson();

Type founderListType = new TypeToken<ArrayList<Founder>>(){}.getType();

List<Founder> founderList = gson.fromJson(founderJson, founderListType);

列表作为对象的一部分:反序列化时不需要传递 TypeToken

public class GeneralInfo {
String name;
String website;
List<Founder> founders;
} String generalInfoJson = "{'name': 'Future Studio Dev Team', 'website': '', 'founders': [{'name': 'Christian', 'flowerCount': 1 }, {'name': 'Marcus','flowerCount': 3 }, {'name': 'Norman','flowerCount': 2 }]}"; Gson gson = new Gson(); GeneralInfo generalInfoObject = gson.fromJson(generalInfoJson, GeneralInfo.class);


public class AmountWithCurrency {
String currency;
int amount;
} String dollarJson = "{ '1$': { 'amount': 1, 'currency': 'Dollar'}, '2$': { 'amount': 2, 'currency': 'Dollar'}, '3€': { 'amount': 3, 'currency': 'Euro'} }"; Gson gson = new Gson(); Type amountCurrencyType = new TypeToken<HashMap<String, AmountWithCurrency>>(){}.getType(); HashMap<String, AmountWithCurrency> amountCurrency =
gson.fromJson(dollarJson, amountCurrencyType);

Map 数据结构没有根元素,如 "[",我们就可以像解析 List 那用解析嵌套的 Map。


String founderJson = "[{'name': 'Christian','flowerCount': 1}, {'name': 'Marcus', 'flowerCount': 3}, {'name': 'Norman', 'flowerCount': 2}]";

Gson gson = new Gson();

Type founderSetType = new TypeToken<HashSet<Founder>>(){}.getType();

HashSet<Founder> founderSet = gson.fromJson(founderJson, founderSetType);

泛型序列化:每种数据类型需要 new TypeToken 才能解析成功

Gson gson = new Gson();

List<Integer> integerList = new ArrayList<>();
integerList.add(3); List<String> stringList = new ArrayList<>();
stringList.add("3"); Type integerType = new TypeToken<List<Integer>>() {}.getType();
Type stringType = new TypeToken<List<String>>() {}.getType(); String integerJson = gson.toJson(integerList, integerType);
String stringJson = gson.toJson(stringList, stringType);


@SerializedName 是另一个非常实用的注解。@SerializedName 注解更改了自动匹配 JSON 字段的方式,平时开发中,我们总是默认保持 Java 类属性字段名和 JSON 的字段是一一对应,可有使用并不是总是这样的情况,也许你没有访问继承 Java 类或者你必须遵守公司的命名规则,这就需要使 @SerializedName 注解来匹配 Gson 字段,是一种非常优雅的方式。
public class UserSimple {
String name;
String email;
boolean isDeveloper;
int age;
 @SerializedName(value = "fullName", alternate = "username")
private String name;

SerializedName 接受两个参数,value、alternate。

SerializedName 改变了默认序列化和默认反序列化的字段取值,序列化时就是 value 的名称就是字段的名称,alternate 属性是用在反序列化上。


public class UserNaming {
String Name;
String email_of_developer;
boolean isDeveloper;
int _ageOfDeveloper;


FieldNamingPolicy.IDENTITY:完全匹配我们 Java model 中的字段名,不管你有没有设置其他注解属性

GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder();
Gson gson = gsonBuilder.create(); UserNaming user = new UserNaming("Norman", "", true, 26);
String usersJson = gson.toJson(user);


"Name": "Norman",
"_ageOfDeveloper": 26,
"email_of_developer": "",
"isDeveloper": true

FieldNamingPolicy.LOWER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES:将修改生成的 JSON 中的字段名,格式将全部变成小写,并且每个单词用“_” 分割

"name": "Norman",
"_age_of_developer": 26,
"email_of_developer": "",
"is_developer": true

FieldNamingPolicy.LOWER_CASE_WITH_DASHES:每个单词用“-” 分隔


"Name": "Norman",
"_AgeOfDeveloper": 26,
"Email_of_developer": "",
"IsDeveloper": true

FieldNamingPolicy.UPPER_CAMEL_CASE_WITH_SPACES:每个单词的第一个字母会大写、每个单词使用空格分隔、含有 “_” 的链接的不会在使用空格

"Name": "Norman",
"_Age Of Developer": 26,
"Email_of_developer": "",
"Is Developer": true

FieldNamingStrategy 自定义规则

FieldNamingStrategy customPolicy = new FieldNamingStrategy() {
public String translateName(Field f) {
return f.getName().replace("_", "");
}; GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder();
Gson gson = gsonBuilder.create(); UserNaming user = new UserNaming("Norman", "", true, 26);
String usersJson = gson.toJson(user);


GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder();
gsonBuilder.serializeNulls(); //重点
Gson gson = gsonBuilder.create(); UserSimple user = new UserSimple("Norman", null, 26, true);
String usersJson = gson.toJson(user);


"age": 26,
"email": null,
"isDeveloper": true,
"name": "Norman"


ExclusionStrategies 将 Date 和 boolean 类型的字段忽略、shouldSkipField 是用来忽略单个字段的,如果你想要忽略带有 “_” 的字段

GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder();
gsonBuilder.setExclusionStrategies(new ExclusionStrategy() {
public boolean shouldSkipField(FieldAttributes f) {
return f.getName().contains("_");
} @Override
public boolean shouldSkipClass(Class<?> incomingClass) {
return incomingClass == Date.class || incomingClass == boolean.class;
Gson gson = gsonBuilder.create(); UserDate user = new UserDate("Norman", "", 26, true);
String usersJson = gson.toJson(user);

上面的例子使用的是 setExclusionStrategies 方法,不管是序列化还是反序列化都会起作用,如果我们只想其中一个起作用,选择调下面的方法就行了:

  • addSerializationExclusionStrategy()
  • addDeserializationExclusionStrategy()

用法和 ExclusionStrategy 的实现一样,可重写两个方法实现。

基于 Modifiers 的忽略规则:

public class UserModifier {
private String name;
private transient String email;
private static boolean isDeveloper;
private final int age;

如果你想忽略 final 和 static 类型的字段, 保留 transient 类型的字段

GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder();
gsonBuilder.excludeFieldsWithModifiers(Modifier.STATIC, Modifier.FINAL);
Gson gson = gsonBuilder.create(); UserModifier user = new UserModifier("Norman", "", 26, true);
String usersJson = gson.toJson(user);

注解 @Expose

public class UserSimple {
String name; // equals serialize & deserialize @Expose(serialize = false, deserialize = false)
String email; // equals neither serialize nor deserialize @Expose(serialize = false)
int age; // equals only deserialize @Expose(deserialize = false)
boolean isDeveloper; // equals only serialize

根据 @Expose 的用法,UserSimple 序列化 JSON 输出只有 name 和 isDeveloper,其他连个字段就不会被输出,因为 serialize 都是 false;

反序列化的话,只有 email 和 isDeveloper 被忽略,因为 deserialize = false

transient :使用 transient 来描述字段,将不能被序列化和反序列化


Gson 内部使用的是 JsonReader 类,看源码能发现里面有一个 lenient 的属性,默认是 false,也就是说默认值接受标准的 JSON 格式数据,如果数据有问题,将抛出异常解析失败。

JsonReader 也提供了设置 lenient 属性的方法,来忽略一些不标准的 JSON 数据格式。

特殊类型 Floats & Doubles

如果你 Java 对象中包含一个正常的 Floats 或者 Doubles 类型的数据,是可以正常序列化得到 JSON的,如果你传入 Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY 值,Gson 将会抛出异常,因为这个值是不能符合 JSON 标准的

解决的办法就是通过 GsonBuilder 设置 serializeSpecialFloatingPointValues() 方法
GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder();
Gson gson = gsonBuilder.create();
UserFloat userFloat = new UserFloat("Norman", Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
String usersJson = gson.toJson(userFloat);
System.out.println("userJson:" + usersJson);


public class UserSubscription {
String name;
String email;
int age;
boolean isDeveloper; // new!
List<Merchant> merchantList;
} public class Merchant {
private int Id;
private String name; // possibly more properties
JsonSerializer<Merchant> serializer = new JsonSerializer<Merchant>() {
public JsonElement serialize(Merchant src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) {
JsonObject jsonMerchant = new JsonObject(); jsonMerchant.addProperty("Id", src.getId()); return jsonMerchant;
}; GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder(); gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(Merchant.class, serializer); Gson customGson = gsonBuilder.create();
String customJSON = customGson.toJson(subscription);


JsonSerializer<List<Merchant>> serializer =
new JsonSerializer<List<Merchant>>() {
public JsonElement serialize(List<Merchant> src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) {
JsonObject jsonMerchant = new JsonObject(); List<String> merchantIds = new ArrayList<>(src.size());
for (Merchant merchant : src) {
merchantIds.add("" + merchant.getId());
} String merchantIdsAsString = TextUtils.join(",", merchantIds); jsonMerchant.addProperty("Ids", merchantIdsAsString); return jsonMerchant;
} GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder(); Type merchantListType = new TypeToken<List<Merchant>>() {}.getType(); gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(merchantListType, serializer); Gson customGson = gsonBuilder.create();
String customJSON = customGson.toJson(subscription); //结果
"age": 26,
"email": "",
"isDeveloper": true,
"merchantList": {
"Ids": "23,42"
"name": "Norman"


JsonSerializer<List<Merchant>> serializer =
new JsonSerializer<List<Merchant>>() {
public JsonElement serialize(List<Merchant> src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) {
JsonArray jsonMerchant = new JsonArray(); for (Merchant merchant : src) {
jsonMerchant.add("" + merchant.getId());
} return jsonMerchant;
"age": 26,
"email": "",
"isDeveloper": true,
"merchantList": [
"name": "Norman"


前三个表示年月日,是一个日期结构,后面四个字段表示一个 model 信息

public class UserDate {
private String name;
private String email;
private boolean isDeveloper;
private int age;
private Date registerDate;
} //Json

"year": 116,
"month": 5,
"day": 21,
"age": 26,
"email": "",
"isDeveloper": true,
"name": "Norman"
JsonDeserializer<UserDate> deserializer = new JsonDeserializer<UserDate>() {
public UserDate deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {
JsonObject jsonObject = json.getAsJsonObject(); Date date = new Date(
); return new UserDate(
}; GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder(); gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(UserDate.class, deserializer); Gson customGson = gsonBuilder.create();
UserDate customObject = customGson.fromJson(userJson, UserDate.class);



"age": 26,
"email": "",
"isDeveloper": true,
"name": "Norman"
} //Model
public class UserContext {
private String name;
private String email;
private boolean isDeveloper;
private int age; // additional attribute, which is not part of the data model
private Context context; public UserContext(Context context) {
this.context = context;

如果你还是用原来的方式来反序列化,那么得到的 Context 肯定是null。你需要在映射之前的构造函数中来创建 Context,这是就需要用到 InstanceCreators。

String userSimpleJson = ...; // the JSON from the server, see above

GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder();
new UserContextInstanceCreator(getApplicationContext())
Gson customGson = gsonBuilder.create(); UserContext customObject = customGson.fromJson(userSimpleJson, UserContext.class); private class UserContextInstanceCreator implements InstanceCreator<UserContext> {
private Context context; public UserContextInstanceCreator(Context context) {
this.context = context;
} @Override
public UserContext createInstance(Type type) {
// create new object with our additional property
UserContext userContext = new UserContext(context); // return it to gson for further usage
return userContext;

@JsonAdapter 注解:

public class MerchantListSerializer implements JsonSerializer<List<Merchant>> {
public JsonElement serialize(List<Merchant> src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) {
JsonArray jsonMerchant = new JsonArray(); for (Merchant merchant : src) {
jsonMerchant.add("" + merchant.getId());
} return jsonMerchant;
} public class UserSubscriptionAnnotation {
String name;
String email;
int age;
boolean isDeveloper; // new!
List<Merchant> merchantList;
UserSubscriptionAnnotation subscription = new UserSubscriptionAnnotation( "Norman", "", 26, true, subscribedMerchants);
Gson gson = new Gson();
String fullJSON = gson.toJson(subscription);

只有是类的形式,我们才能使用注解 @JsonAdapter 来添加 MerchantListSerializer。就像之前的一些注解用法一样,并添加到你需要序列化的 Java model 中。

可以看到 merchantList 被添加了 @JsonAdapter(MerchantListSerializer.class) 注解,而 MerchantListSerializer 正是我们序列化过程的实现类,这样我们就不用使用 GsonBuilder 它来创建的 Gson 对象,而是使用默认创建对象就可以,也不需要那些复杂的设置。
反序列化:和序列化不同的是,@JsonAdapter(UserDateDeserializer.class) 注解是要添加在类级别上面,这是一点不同。


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