- from enum import Enum
- import time
- PizzaProgress = Enum('PizzaProgress', 'queued preparation baking ready')
- PizzaDough = Enum('PizzaDough', 'thin thick')
- PizzaSauce = Enum('PizzaSauce', 'tomato creme_fraiche')
- PizzaTopping = Enum('PizzaTopping', 'mozzarella double_mozzarella bacon ham mushrooms red_onion oregano')
- class Pizza:
- def __init__(self, name):
- = name
- self.dough = None
- self.sauce = None
- self.topping = []
- def __str__(self):
- return
- def prepare_dough(self, dough):
- self.dough = dough
- print('preparing the {} dough of your {}....'.format(, self))
- time.sleep(STEP_DELAY)
- print('done with the {} dough'.format(
- class MargaritaBuilder:
- def __init__(self):
- = Pizza('margarita')
- self.progress = PizzaProgress.queued
- self.baking_time = 5
- def prepare_dough(self):
- self.progress = PizzaProgress.preparation
- def add_sauce(self):
- print('adding the tomato sauce to your margarita....')
- = PizzaSauce.tomato
- time.sleep(STEP_DELAY)
- print('done with the tomato sauce')
- def add_topping(self):
- print('adding the topping (double mozzarella,oregano) to your margarita')
-[i for i in (PizzaTopping.double_mozzarella, PizzaTopping.oregano)])
- time.sleep(STEP_DELAY)
- print('done with the topping (double mozzarella, oregano)')
- def bake(self):
- self.progress = PizzaProgress.baking
- print('baking your margarita for {} seconds'.format(self.baking_time))
- time.sleep(self.baking_time)
- self.progress = PizzaProgress.ready
- print('your margarita is ready')
- class CreamyBaconBuilder:
- def __init__(self):
- = Pizza('creamy bacon')
- self.progress = PizzaProgress.queued
- self.baking_time = 7
- def prepare_dough(self):
- self.progress = PizzaProgress.preparation
- def add_sauce(self):
- print('adding the creme fraiche sauce to your creamy bacon')
- = PizzaSauce.creme_fraiche
- time.sleep(STEP_DELAY)
- print('done with the creme fraiche sauce')
- def add_topping(self):
- print('adding the topping (mozzarella, bacon, ham, mushrooms,red onion, oregano) to your creamy bacon')
-[t for t in (
- PizzaTopping.mozzarella, PizzaTopping.bacon, PizzaTopping.ham, PizzaTopping.mushrooms,
- PizzaTopping.red_onion,
- PizzaTopping.oregano)])
- time.sleep(STEP_DELAY)
- print('done with the topping (mozzarella, bacon, ham,mushrooms, red onion, oregano)')
- def bake(self):
- self.progress = PizzaProgress.baking
- print('baking your creamy bacon for {} seconds'.format(self.baking_time))
- time.sleep(self.baking_time)
- self.progress = PizzaProgress.ready
- print('your creamy bacon is ready')
- class Waiter:
- def __init__(self):
- self.builder = None
- def construct_pizza(self, builder):
- self.builder = builder
- [step() for step in (builder.prepare_dough, builder.add_sauce, builder.add_topping, builder.bake)]
- @property
- def pizza(self):
- return
- def validate_style(builders):
- try:
- pizza_style = input('what pizza would you like, [m]argarita or [c]reamy bacon?')
- builder = builders[pizza_style]()
- valid_input = True
- except KeyError as err:
- print('Sorry, only margarita (key m) and creamy bacon (key c) are available')
- return (False, None)
- return (True, builder)
- def main():
- builders = dict(m=MargaritaBuilder, c=CreamyBaconBuilder)
- valid_input = False
- while not valid_input:
- valid_input, builder = validate_style(builders)
- print()
- waiter = Waiter()
- # waiter.construct_pizza(builder)
- waiter.construct_pizza(builder)
- pizza =
- print()
- print('Enjoy your {}!'.format(pizza))
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
- 结果一:
- what pizza would you like, [m]argarita or [c]reamy bacon?c
- preparing the thick dough of your creamy bacon....
- done with the thick dough
- adding the creme fraiche sauce to your creamy bacon
- done with the creme fraiche sauce
- adding the topping (mozzarella, bacon, ham, mushrooms,red onion, oregano) to your creamy bacon
- done with the topping (mozzarella, bacon, ham,mushrooms, red onion, oregano)
- baking your creamy bacon for 7 seconds
- your creamy bacon is ready
- Enjoy your creamy bacon!
- 结果二:
- what pizza would you like, [m]argarita or [c]reamy bacon?m
- preparing the thin dough of your margarita....
- done with the thin dough
- adding the tomato sauce to your margarita....
- done with the tomato sauce
- adding the topping (double mozzarella,oregano) to your margarita
- done with the topping (double mozzarella, oregano)
- baking your margarita for 5 seconds
- your margarita is ready
- Enjoy your margarita!
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