


这道题难的地方可能在于刚開始这样的差的阈值的过程,假设把阈值设置得太小了。会出现错误,因此,应该尽可能地将阈值设置得大一点。因为数组是已经排序的,因此。数组中三个数的和的范围在[3*A[0], 3*A[n-1]]。因此,阈值能够依据以下三种情况进行设置:

1.if target >= 3*A[n-1],阈值设置为H = target - 3 * A[0];
2.if 3*A[0] <= target<3*A[n-1],阈值设置为H = 3 * A[n-1] - 3*A[0];
3.if target < 3 * A[0],阈值设置为H = 3 * A[n-1] - target。



class Solution
int threeSumClosest(vector<int> &num, int target)
int Size = num.size(); sort(num.begin(), num.end()); int MaxSum = 3 * num[Size - 1];
int MinSum = 3 * num[0];
int ThreadHold = 0;
if (target <= MinSum)
ThreadHold = MaxSum - target;
if (MaxSum < target)
ThreadHold = target - MinSum;
if ((MinSum < target) && (target <= MaxSum))
ThreadHold = MaxSum - MinSum;
} int Result = 0; for (int Index_outter = 0; Index_outter < (Size - 2); Index_outter++)
int First = num[Index_outter];
int Second = num[Index_outter + 1]; if ((Index_outter != 0) && (First == num[Index_outter - 1]))
} int Start = Index_outter + 1;
int End = Size - 1; while (Start < End)
Second = num[Start];
int Third = num[End]; int Sum = First + Second + Third; if (Sum == target)
return Sum;
} if (Sum < target)
if (ThreadHold >= (target - Sum))
Result = Sum;
ThreadHold = target - Sum;
} if (Sum > target)
if (ThreadHold >= (Sum - target))
Result = Sum;
ThreadHold = Sum - target;
return Result; }



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