

mysql> desc ucc_purchase_status;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int() | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| status_type | varchar(64) | NO | | NULL | |
| timestamp | datetime | NO | | NULL | |
| purchase_id | int() | YES | MUL | NULL | |
rows in set (0.00 sec)



mysql> alter table ucc_purchase_status modify status_type enum("xd","fk","fh","sh","cd","th") not null default "xd";
ERROR (): Data truncated for column 'status_type' at row

这个错误,是什么意思呢?看到data truncated,应该想到什么呢? 通常和数据记录的内容有关系! 是不是因为我改类型后,默认值与表中当前的值有冲突呢?


mysql> select * from ucc_purchase_status;
| id | status_type | timestamp | purchase_id |
| | 下单 | -- :: | |
| | 发货 | -- :: | |
| | 发货 | -- :: | |
| | 收货 | -- :: | |
rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> alter table ucc_purchase_status modify status_type enum("下单","付款","发货","收货","撤单","退货") not null default "下单";
Query OK, rows affected (0.04 sec)
Records: Duplicates: Warnings:

呵呵,看来,这个是真的,这个分析是成立的! 改后的表结构:

mysql> desc ucc_purchase_status;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int() | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| status_type | enum('下单','付款','发货','收货','撤单','退货') | NO | | 下单 | |
| timestamp | datetime | NO | | NULL | |
| purchase_id | int() | YES | MUL | NULL | |
rows in set (0.00 sec)



<resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.tg.ecs.ucc.model.UccPurchaseStatus" >
<id column="id" property="id" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
<result column="status_type" property="statusType" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="timestamp" property="timestamp" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" />
<result column="purchase_id" property="purchaseId" jdbcType="INTEGER" />


<resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.tg.ecs.ucc.model.UccPurchaseStatus">
<id column="id" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="id" />
<result column="status_type" jdbcType="CHAR" property="statusType" />
<result column="timestamp" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" property="timestamp" />
<result column="purchase_id" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="purchaseId" />

好,到此,数据都改的差不多了,当然,dao里面的相关数据也都已经修正了。最后,就是mapper里面的sql查询,做相应的修改。之前对status_type的传值,都是hard code写死的,但是呢,这个业务场景,我希望查询数据,是基于状态的,比如付款的,未付款的,等等,逻辑都一样,就是状态传入的值不一样。于是,写一个通用的sql,通过参数进行过滤,是非常容易想到的方案!



1. 通过位置序号进行参数映射(序号从0开始,从函数参数列表中,自左向右依次递增,0,1,2,3)
2. 通过注解@Param("xxx")来进行参数名映射,其中的xxx字符串代表mapper中sql里面的传入参数。
3. 通过map对参数进行装载,通过KV的方式,K就是map的key,对应mapper文件里的sql中的传入参数的变量名。





List<PurchaseElement> findPElementByCustomerInfoAndStatus(@Param("uid") Integer id, @Param("start") Integer start,
@Param("limit") Integer limit, @Param("list") List<String>stats);


<!-- 根据参数用户ID,订单状态两个参数,进行过滤 -->
<select id="findPElementByCustomerInfoAndStatus" resultMap="purchaseElementResultMap">
up.id as up_id,
ups.status_type as ups_status_type,
uua.id as uua_id,
uua.username as uua_username,
uua.address as uua_address,
uua.mobile as uua_mobile,
uua.zipcode as uua_zipcode,
mp.name as mp_name,
mp.price as mp_price,
(select count(tupp.product_id) from ucc_purchase_product tupp
where tupp.purchase_id = up.id and tupp.product_id = upp.product_id) as upp_quantity
ucc_purchase as up
left join ucc_purchase_product as upp on upp.purchase_id = up.id
left join mcc_product as mp on mp.id = upp.product_id
left join ucc_purchase_status as ups on ups.purchase_id = upp.purchase_id
left join ucc_user_address as uua on uua.id = up.address_id
ups.status_type is not null and ups.status_type != ''
and (uua.id is not null and uua.id != '')
and (uua.username is not null and uua.username != '')
and (uua.address is not null and uua.address != '')
and (uua.mobile is not null and uua.mobile != '')
and (mp.name is not null and mp.name != '')
and (mp.price is not null and mp.price !='')
and up.customer_id = #{uid, jdbcType=INTEGER}
and (ups.status_type in
<foreach item="st" collection="list" index="idx" open="(" separator="," close=")">
#{st, jdbcType=CHAR}
order by up.timestamp desc
<if test="start != null and limit!=null">
limit #{start}, #{limit}


public String loadPaid(@Context HttpServletRequest req){ SysUser su = infos.getCurrentUser(); DataTablePager.generatePager(req, su); Integer id = su.getId().intValue();
Integer start = su.getStart();
Integer limit = su.getLimit();
List<PurchaseElement> list = pes.findPElementByCustomerInfoAndStatus(id, start, limit, pes.paidStatus());
int count = pes.findAllPElementCountByStatus(id, pes.paidStatus()); String sEcho = req.getParameter("sEcho");
return DataTablePager.getPageJson(list, count, sEcho);




List<PurchaseElement> findPElementByCustomerBeanAndStatus(@Param("su") SysUser su, @Param("list") List<String>stats);


<!-- 根据参数用户ID,订单状态两个参数,进行过滤 -->
<select id="findPElementByCustomerBeanAndStatus" resultMap="purchaseElementResultMap">
up.id as up_id,
ups.status_type as ups_status_type,
uua.id as uua_id,
uua.username as uua_username,
uua.address as uua_address,
uua.mobile as uua_mobile,
uua.zipcode as uua_zipcode,
mp.name as mp_name,
mp.price as mp_price,
(select count(tupp.product_id) from ucc_purchase_product tupp
where tupp.purchase_id = up.id and tupp.product_id = upp.product_id) as upp_quantity
ucc_purchase as up
left join ucc_purchase_product as upp on upp.purchase_id = up.id
left join mcc_product as mp on mp.id = upp.product_id
left join ucc_purchase_status as ups on ups.purchase_id = upp.purchase_id
left join ucc_user_address as uua on uua.id = up.address_id
ups.status_type is not null and ups.status_type != ''
and (uua.id is not null and uua.id != '')
and (uua.username is not null and uua.username != '')
and (uua.address is not null and uua.address != '')
and (uua.mobile is not null and uua.mobile != '')
and (mp.name is not null and mp.name != '')
and (mp.price is not null and mp.price !='')
and up.customer_id = #{su.id, jdbcType=INTEGER}
and (ups.status_type in
<foreach item="st" collection="list" index="idx" open="(" separator="," close=")">
#{st, jdbcType=CHAR}
order by up.timestamp desc
<if test="start != null and limit!=null">
limit #{su.start}, #{su.limit}


public String loadPaid(@Context HttpServletRequest req){ SysUser su = infos.getCurrentUser(); DataTablePager.generatePager(req, su); Integer id = su.getId().intValue(); List<PurchaseElement> list = pes.findPElementByCustomerBeanAndStatus(su, pes.paidStatus());
int count = pes.findAllPElementCountByStatus(id, pes.paidStatus()); String sEcho = req.getParameter("sEcho");
return DataTablePager.getPageJson(list, count, sEcho);



五月 ,  :: 下午 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke
严重: Servlet.service() for servlet [default] in context with path [/ecs] threw exception [org.mybatis.spring.MyBatisSystemException: nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.binding.BindingException: Parameter 'start' not found. Available parameters are [param1, param2, su, list]] with root cause
org.apache.ibatis.binding.BindingException: Parameter 'start' not found. Available parameters are [param1, param2, su, list]
at org.apache.ibatis.binding.MapperMethod$ParamMap.get(MapperMethod.java:)
at org.apache.ibatis.scripting.xmltags.DynamicContext$ContextAccessor.getProperty(DynamicContext.java:)
at org.apache.ibatis.ognl.OgnlRuntime.getProperty(OgnlRuntime.java:)
at org.apache.ibatis.ognl.ASTProperty.getValueBody(ASTProperty.java:)

仔细查询,涉及findPElementByCustomerBeanAndStatus函数调用逻辑的所有函数,以及mapper文件,最后,发现mapper文件中,的确有个start是独立的。就是那个动态sql if中判断分页数据的地方有问题。应该加上命名空间。


  <!-- 根据参数用户ID,订单状态两个参数,进行过滤 -->
<select id="findPElementByCustomerBeanAndStatus" resultMap="purchaseElementResultMap">
up.id as up_id,
ups.status_type as ups_status_type,
uua.id as uua_id,
uua.username as uua_username,
uua.address as uua_address,
uua.mobile as uua_mobile,
uua.zipcode as uua_zipcode,
mp.name as mp_name,
mp.price as mp_price,
(select count(tupp.product_id) from ucc_purchase_product tupp
where tupp.purchase_id = up.id and tupp.product_id = upp.product_id) as upp_quantity
ucc_purchase as up
left join ucc_purchase_product as upp on upp.purchase_id = up.id
left join mcc_product as mp on mp.id = upp.product_id
left join ucc_purchase_status as ups on ups.purchase_id = upp.purchase_id
left join ucc_user_address as uua on uua.id = up.address_id
ups.status_type is not null and ups.status_type != ''
and (uua.id is not null and uua.id != '')
and (uua.username is not null and uua.username != '')
and (uua.address is not null and uua.address != '')
and (uua.mobile is not null and uua.mobile != '')
and (mp.name is not null and mp.name != '')
and (mp.price is not null and mp.price !='')
and up.customer_id = #{su.id, jdbcType=INTEGER}
and (ups.status_type in
<foreach item="st" collection="list" index="idx" open="(" separator="," close=")">
#{st, jdbcType=CHAR}
order by up.timestamp desc
<if test="su.start != null and su.limit!=null">
limit #{su.start}, #{su.limit}


<mapper namespace="com.tg.ecs.ucc.dao.PurchaseElementMapper" >
<resultMap id="purchaseElementResultMap" type="com.tg.ecs.ucc.model.PurchaseElement" >
<id column="up_id" property="purchaseId" jdbcType="INTEGER"/>
<result column="ups_status_type" property="statusType" jdbcType="VARCHAR"/>
<!-- 特别注意:association以及collection这样子的标签,必须放在resultMap的最后面,且association在collection的前面 -->
<association property="receivedBy" column="up_id" javaType="com.tg.ecs.ucc.model.ConsigneeElement">
<id column="uua_id" property="aid" />
<result column="uua_username" property="name" />
<result column="uua_address" property="address" />
<result column="uua_mobile" property="mobile" />
<result column="uua_zipcode" property="zipcode"/>
<!--一个订单号对应多个产品 -->
<collection property="products" column="up_id" ofType="com.tg.ecs.ucc.model.PurchaseProduct">
<result column="mp_name" property="productName"/>
<result column="mp_price" property="productPrice"/>
<result column="upp_quantity" property="quantity"/>


The content of element type "resultMap" must match "(constructor?,id*,result*,association*,collection*,discriminator?)".




在做订单状态传递进入sql的过程中,in 后面的foreach的使用,遇到了一点问题。故事是这样的,开始我的sql是这样的:

<foreach item="st", collection="list", index="idx", open="(", separator=",", close=")">
#{st, jdbcType=CHAR}


Element type "foreach" must be followed by either attribute specifications, ">" or "/>".



<foreach item="st" collection="list" index="idx" open="(" separator="," close=")">
#{st, jdbcType=CHAR}

好了,今天,这个博文,就写到这里吧! 下一篇,将总结一下foreach中的collection以及index的使用,因为我看到好多人在纠结这两个字段的用法!


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  6. Mysql字段类型与合理选择

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  7. 字符编码,存储引擎,MySQL字段类型,MySQL字段约束条件

    字符编码 查看MySQL默认编码命令:\s """ 如果是5.X系列 显示的编码有多种 latin1 gbk 如果是8.X系列 显示的统一是utf8mb4 utf8mb4 ...

  8. SQL脚本循环修改数据库字段类型

    数据库在设计的时候也许考虑不全面,导致某些字段类型不太准确.比如设计的时候是varchar(1024),但是实际使用的时候却发现太小了,装不下,于是需要修改字段类型为ntext什么的. 我最近就遇到了 ...

  9. Java JDBC中,MySQL字段类型到JAVA类型的转换

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