(1)copy qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.5.3/mkspecs/qws/linux-arm-g++ 到 qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.5.3/mkspecs/qws/linux-hisiv400-g++
#contains(QT_CONFIG, webkit): SUBDIRS += webkit 
(2)修改/qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.5.3/demos目录下的demos.pro 屏蔽如下:去掉浏览器内核开发demo,不需要
#contains(QT_CONFIG, webkit):contains(QT_CONFIG, svg):SUBDIRS += demos_browser
运行./configure -help ,查看我们需要设置那些选项。
-prefix 定义安装目录,可选(不选默认在/usr/local/Trolltech/QtEmbedded-4.5.3)
 *  -shared ............ Create and use shared Qt libraries.(默认)
    -static ............ Create and use static Qt libraries.

    -no-largefile ...... Disables large file support.(默认)
 +  -largefile ......... Enables Qt to access files larger than 4 GB.
     -no-stl ............ Do not compile STL support.(默认)
 *  -stl ............... Compile STL support.
  -no-webkit ......... Do not build the WebKit module.
 +  -webkit ............ Build the WebKit module.
     -no-openssl ........ Do not compile support for OpenSSL.
 +  -openssl ........... Enable run-time OpenSSL support.
    -openssl-linked .... Enabled linked OpenSSL support.

 -xplatform target ... The target platform when cross-compiling.
 // arm
-embedded <arch> .... This will enable the embedded build, you must have a
  proper license for this switch to work.
  Example values for <arch>: arm mips x86 generic
//CPU是大端还是小端 arm和x86 小端, mips大端。  
 -little-endian ...... Target platform is little endian (LSB first).
    -big-endian ......... Target platform is big endian (MSB first).

// 是否字体库的设置
 -no-freetype ........ Do not compile in Freetype2 support.
 -qt-freetype ........ Use the libfreetype bundled with Qt.
./configure --prefix=/home/liqinghan/qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.5.3/hisi_qt_install -no-pch -xplatform qws/linux-hisiv400-g++ -arch arm -embedded arm -no-freetype -qt-mouse-pc -no-webkit -no-largefile -fast -release -no-qt3support -no-cups  -no-opengl -no-phonon -phonon-backend -no-scripttools -no-libtiff -no-gif -no-libmng -no-nis -no-cups -no-svg

Type 'c' if you want to use the Commercial Edition. //非开源
Type 'o' if you want to use the Open Source Edition.//开源


This is the Qt for Embedded Linux Open Source Edition.

You are licensed to use this software under the terms of
the Lesser GNU General Public License (LGPL) versions 2.1.
You are also licensed to use this software under the terms of
the GNU General Public License (GPL) versions 3.

Type '3' to view the GNU General Public License version 3.
Type 'L' to view the Lesser GNU General Public License version 2.1.
Type 'yes' to accept this license offer.
Type 'no' to decline this license offer.




export QT_INSTALL_PATH=/root/test/qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.5.3/hisi_qt_install
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib:/usr/lib:${QT_INSTALL_PATH}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
export QT_QWS_FONTDIR=${QT_INSTALL_PATH}/lib/fonts
export QT_QWS_DISPLAY=linuxFB:/dev/fb0

./xxxx -qws
./mysecondserverapplication -qws -display "QVFb:2"
./myclientapplication -display "QVFb:2"

./myserverapplication -qws -display "Multi: QVFb:0
QVFb:1:offset=0,0 VNC:offset=640,0 :2"

-fn<font>         定义程序的字体,例如./myapplication -fn helvetica

-bg<color>                设置程序默认背景颜色 例如./myapplication -bg blue,颜色名称必须能被QColor类构造函数识别

-btn<color>                设置默认的按钮颜色,例如./myapplication -btn green 同样颜色必须被认识

-fg<color>                设置foreground颜色,例如./myapplication -fg 'dark blue' 同上需被认识

-name <objectname>    设置应用程序名字 例如./myapplication -name texteditapplication

-title <title>        设置应用程序标题。./myapplication -title 'Text Edit'

-geometry <width>x<height>+<Xoffset>+<Yoffset>
设置窗口大小, ./myapplication -geometry 300x200+50+50

-keyboard                    启动键盘

-nokeyboard                关闭键盘

-mouse                        启动鼠标

-nomouse                    关闭鼠标

-qws                            设置为服务程序

-display                    设置显示器驱动

设置程序的风格,例如./myapplication -decoration windows,只支持windows default styled

剩下的就是QT界面简单的开发了,试运行了demos里面的几个APP,使用的参数是-qws 和 -fn helvetica 感觉速度流畅,鼠标操作不卡顿。



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