



 public class MyQueue {

    Stack<Integer> stack1=new Stack<Integer>();
Stack<Integer> stack2=new Stack<Integer>(); /** Push element x to the back of queue. */
public void push(int x) {
} /** Removes the element from in front of queue and returns that element. */
public int pop() {
return stack2.pop();
return stack2.pop();
} /** Get the front element. */
public int peek() {
return stack2.peek();
return stack2.peek();
} /** Returns whether the queue is empty. */
public boolean empty() {
return stack1.empty()&&stack2.empty();
} /**
* Your MyQueue object will be instantiated and called as such:
* MyQueue obj = new MyQueue();
* obj.push(x);
* int param_2 = obj.pop();
* int param_3 = obj.peek();
* boolean param_4 = obj.empty();

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