Behavior Question - Most challenging project.
- 介绍项目,challenging的地方
- The most challenging project I have ever done was an online collaborative coding platform, it’s like LeetCode but with collaborative features. The most challenging part was to incorporate collaborative features with the code editor, that is, users in the same coding room can see the real-time cursor movements and typing actions of the other user.
- Challenging 的原因:需要我自己去想解决方案,然而我之前没有做过这些技术
- It was challenging because I was supposed to come up with a solution by myself, and I had never developed something like this before.
- 我的解决方案
- So I started with composing a visual solution first, the work I have done included researching online collaborative products, listing core features I needed, and designing UI. With the visual solution, I had a good understanding on how the application would work. Then, I googled and read a lot of system design solutions or products with similar features, like Google doc, online chatting room, etc. With what I’ve read, I was able to draft my own solutions and selected corresponding technologies.
- 结果 + 收获
- I implemented it successfully within the given time, and my solution received a positive feedback because it was not only working well, but also visually pleasing. Throughout the experience, I learned that it is important to be curious and keep learning, try to read as many technical blogs or articles as you can, the more you read, the better you’ll ace a problem or design.
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