PAT A1132 Cut Integer (20 分)——数学题
Cutting an integer means to cut a K digits lone integer Z into two integers of (K/2) digits long integers A and B. For example, after cutting Z = 167334, we have A = 167 and B = 334. It is interesting to see that Z can be devided by the product of A and B, as 167334 / (167 × 334) = 3. Given an integer Z, you are supposed to test if it is such an integer.
Input Specification:
Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first line gives a positive integer N (≤ 20). Then N lines follow, each gives an integer Z (10 ≤ Z <231). It is guaranteed that the number of digits of Z is an even number.
Output Specification:
For each case, print a single line Yes
if it is such a number, or No
if not.
Sample Input:
Sample Output:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int s2n(string s){
int res=;
for(int i=;i<s.length();i++){
res = *res + s[i]-'';
return res;
int main(){
string s;
int n;
for(int i=;i<n;i++){
int pos=s.length()/;
string s1,s2;
int n1,n2;
if((n1== || n2==) || s2n(s)%(n1*n2)!=)printf("No\n");
else printf("Yes\n");
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