以下资源均来自微软 MSDN,是原汁原味的原版系统资源,值得系统爱好者收藏。以下多数链接是 ed2k 链接,推荐使用国外开源的 eMule 下载,亦可使用迅雷,但使用 eMule 更有利于共享资源。



x64 英文版
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter, and Web
with Service Pack 1 (x64) - DVD (English)

x64 英文版(批量授权,需要 MAK 或 KMS 密钥)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter, and Web
with Service Pack 1, VL Build (x64) - DVD (English)
SHA1: 7E7E9425041B3328CCF723A0855C2BC4F462EC57

x64 简体中文版
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter, and Web
with Service Pack 1 (x64) - DVD (English)

x64 简体中文版(批量授权,需要 MAK 或 KMS 密钥)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter, and Web
with Service Pack 1, VL Build (x64) - DVD
SHA1: A92C97C38EF6ED5F827637179052AD218900377A

x64 繁体中文版(香港)(批量授权,需要 MAK 或 KMS 密钥)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter, and Web
with Service Pack 1, VL Build (x64) - DVD (Chinese-Hong Kong




File Name:  7601.17514.101119-1850_x64fre_server_eval_en-us-GRMSXEVAL_EN_DVD.iso
File Size: 2.9GB

The expiration period expires after 180 days. After that the windows
system will run with reduced functionalities and reboot every hour.

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