Every web application has some menu to navigate between pages/screens. ASP.NET Boilerplate provides a common ifrastructure to create and show menu to users.


Creating Menus

An application may be consists of different modules and each module can have it's own menu items. To define menu items, we need to create a class derived from NavigationProvider.

Assume that we have a main menu as shown below:



  • Tasks
  • Reports
  • Administration
    • User management
    • Role management

Here, Administration menu item has two sub menu items. Example navigation provider class to create such a menu can be as below:

public class SimpleTaskSystemNavigationProvider : NavigationProvider
public override void SetNavigation(INavigationProviderContext context)
new MenuItemDefinition(
new LocalizableString("Tasks", "SimpleTaskSystem"),
url: "/Tasks",
icon: "fa fa-tasks"
new MenuItemDefinition(
new LocalizableString("Reports", "SimpleTaskSystem"),
url: "/Reports",
icon: "fa fa-bar-chart"
new MenuItemDefinition(
new LocalizableString("Administration", "SimpleTaskSystem"),
icon: "fa fa-cogs"
new MenuItemDefinition(
new LocalizableString("UserManagement", "SimpleTaskSystem"),
url: "/Administration/Users",
icon: "fa fa-users",
requiredPermissionName: "SimpleTaskSystem.Permissions.UserManagement"
new MenuItemDefinition(
new LocalizableString("RoleManagement", "SimpleTaskSystem"),
url: "/Administration/Roles",
icon: "fa fa-star",
requiredPermissionName: "SimpleTaskSystem.Permissions.RoleManagement"

A MenuItemDefinition can basically have a unique name, a localizable display name, a url and an icon. Also,


  • A menu item may require a permission to show this menu to a particular user (See authorization document). requiredPermissionName property can be used in this case.
  • A menu item can be depend on a feature. featureDependency property can be used in this case.
  • A menu item can define a customData and order.
  • 菜单项可能需要允许将菜单显示给特定用户(请参阅授权文档)。requiredpermissionname属性可以在这种情况下使用。

INavigationProviderContext has methods to get existing menu items, add menus and menu items. Thus, different modules can add it's own items to the menu.

There may be one or more menus in an application. context.Manager.MainMenu references the default, main menu. We can create and add more menus using context.Manager.Menus property.



Registering Navigation Provider

After creating the navigation provider, we should register it to ASP.NET Boilerplate configuration on PreInitialize event of our module:


Showing Menu

IUserNavigationManager can be injected and used to get menu items and show to the user. Thus, we can create menu in server side.

ASP.NET Boilerplate automatically generates a javascript API to get menu and items in client side. Methods and objects under abp.nav namespace can be used for this purpose. For instance, abp.nav.menus.MainMenucan be used to get main menu of the application. Thus, we can create menu in client side.

ASP.NET Boilerplate templates uses this system to create and show menu to the user. Try to create a template and see source codes for more.


ASP.NET样板自动生成JavaScript API来获取客户端菜单项。在abp.nav命名空间对象和方法可用于这一目的。例如,abp.nav.menus.mainmenucan被用于获得应用程序主菜单。因此,我们可以在客户端创建菜单。



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