When uploading an SAP Note in transaction SNOTE you receive the error "Data file of SAP Note is incomplete"


Reproducing the Issue
From the Software Download Center, choose the SAP Note you wish to download
From the SAP Note click "Download Corrections"
Save the ZIP or SAR file to a local disk
In transaction SNOTE, click Goto -> Upload SAP Note
Select the ZIP or SAR file downloaded from the Service Market Place in step 3
The error is displayed
The corrections in the SAP Note are downloaded from the Service Market Place as a ZIP or SAR file, SNOTE cannot extract the corrections from the ZIP or SAR file.

From the Software Download Center, choose the SAP Note you wish to download
From the SAP Note click "Download Corrections"
Save the ZIP or SAR file to a local disk
Extract the contents from the downloaded ZIP or SAR file. The extracted content should contain a file with the name .txt
For ZIP file, unzip the contents of the zip file
For SAR file, use SAPCAR to extract the contents. You can refer to SAP KBA 2632047 for details
In transaction SNOTE, click Goto -> Upload SAP Note
Select the .txt file extracted from the ZIP or SAR file in step 4
The SAP Note will appear under the New group in the tree view of SNOTE
See Also
For more detailed information about how to implement SAP Notes using SNOTE, please refer to our System Upgrade and Update WIKI -> Note Assistant -> Note Assistant - Troubleshooting Guide.

KBA 2632047 - How to extract SAR files

zip, download, sar

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