实现一个简易版的c++11 tuple。








提供了一个tuuple_get<int>(const tuple&)接口获取指定位置的值。

#define HI_MPL_TUPLE_H_INCLUDE namespace hi {
using namespace mpl::utils;
template<typename... TList> struct tuple; template<> struct tuple<> {}; typedef tuple<> nulltuple; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
template<typename T, typename... TList>
struct tuple<T, TList...> : public tuple<TList...>
typedef T value_type;
typedef tuple<TList...> base_type;
typedef tuple<T, TList...> this_type; tuple(const T& v, const TList&... tails):base_type(tails...),_value(v) {} tuple(T&& v, TList&&... tails):base_type(std::move(tails)...), _value(std::forward<T>(v)) {}
tuple(T&& v, TList&... tails):base_type(std::move(tails)...), _value(std::forward<T>(v)) {}
tuple(T& v, TList&&... tails):base_type(std::move(tails)...), _value(std::forward<T>(v)) {} tuple(const this_type& other):base_type(static_cast<const base_type&>(other)),_value(other._value)
{} tuple(this_type&& other):base_type(std::move(static_cast<base_type&>(other))),_value(std::forward<T>(other._value))
{} const T& head() const { return this->_value; }
T& head() { return this->_value; } this_type& operator=(const this_type& other)
base_type::operator=(static_cast<const base_type&>(other));
_value = other._value;
return *this;
} this_type& operator=(this_type&& other)
_value = other._value;
return *this;
} protected:
T _value;
}; template<typename T>
struct tuple<T> : public nulltuple
typedef T value_type;
typedef nulltuple base_type;
typedef tuple<T> this_type; tuple(const T& v):_value(v) {}
tuple(T&& v):_value(std::forward<T>(v)) {} tuple(const this_type& other):_value(other._value) {} tuple(this_type&& other):_value(std::forward<T>(other._value)) {} const T& head() const { return this->_value; }
T& head() { return this->_value; }
this_type& operator=(const this_type& other)
_value = other._value;
return *this;
this_type& operator=(this_type&& other)
_value = other._value;
return *this;
} protected:
T _value;
}; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
template<unsigned int N, typename... TList> struct tuple_at; template<unsigned int N, typename T, typename... TList>
struct tuple_at< N, tuple<T, TList...> >
typedef typename tuple_at< N-, tuple<TList...> >::value_type value_type;
typedef typename tuple_at< N-, tuple<TList...> >::tuple_type tuple_type;
}; template<typename T, typename... TList>
struct tuple_at< , tuple<T, TList...> >
typedef T value_type;
typedef tuple<T, TList...> tuple_type;
}; template<>
struct tuple_at<, nulltuple>
typedef nulltuple value_type;
typedef nulltuple tuple_type;
}; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
template<unsigned int N, typename... TList>
constexpr const typename tuple_at<N, tuple<TList...> >::value_type&
tuple_get(const tuple<TList...>& tuple_)
typedef tuple<TList...> tuple_type;
typedef typename tuple_at<N, tuple_type>::tuple_type base_tuple_type; return static_cast<const base_tuple_type&>(tuple_).head();
} template<unsigned int N, typename... TList>
typename tuple_at<N, tuple<TList...> >::value_type&
tuple_get(tuple<TList...>& tuple_)
typedef tuple<TList...> tuple_type;
typedef typename tuple_at<N, tuple_type>::tuple_type base_tuple_type; return static_cast<base_tuple_type&>(tuple_).head();


#include "TypeTuple.h"
#include <tuple> int main()
bool b;
tuple<int, float, char> pp = {, 0.1234, 'a'};
b = std::is_same<tuple_at<, tuple<int, float, char>>::value_type, char >::value;
std::cout << "is same: " << b << std::endl;
b = std::is_same<tuple_at<, tuple<int, float, char>>::tuple_type, tuple<char> >::value;
std::cout << "is same: " << b << std::endl;
std::cout << tuple_get<>(pp)<<" "<< tuple_get<>(pp) <<" "<<tuple_get<>(pp) << std::endl;
std::tuple<int, float, char> cc{, 0.1234, 'a'};
std::cout << sizeof(pp) << " " << sizeof(cc) << std::endl;
tuple<int, float, char> ppc = pp;
std::cout << tuple_get<>(ppc)<<" "<< tuple_get<>(ppc) <<" "<<tuple_get<>(ppc) << std::endl;
return ;

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