

自然科学指数(Nature Index)大揭秘!


正如自然指数创始人David Swinbanks所说:“自然指数年度榜单表明,中国通过其大型、现已发展成熟的机构对研究进行的投入,正在自然科学领域产生持续不断的研究成果。”

那到底什么是自然指数(Nature Index)?它是通过何种标准、何种方式进行排名的?它能够为研究人员、科研机构以及产业界带来怎样的支持?本文将带领读者一探究竟,系统地了解自然指数。




此数据库的实时在线版免费向公众开放,用户可以查询各机构的科研产出,并与同行机构进行对比。具体而言,可以从全球、国家或地区的地域维度进行衡量;可以按化学(Chemistry)、生命科学(Biological sciences)、地球与环境科学(Earth & environmental sciences)、健康科学(Health sciences)、物理科学(Physical sciences)五大学科进行比较;还可以基于学术界、政府、企业、医疗保健业或非营利组织/非政府组织等机构类别来对比。




1.论文计数(article count/AC):无论一篇文章有一个还是多个作者,每位作者所在的国家或机构都获得1个AC分值。

2.分数式计量(fractional count/FC):FC考虑了每位论文作者的相对贡献。一篇文章的FC总分值最多为1,在认为每位作者都有相同贡献的情况下,所有作者共享分值。例如,一篇论文有十个作者,那每位作者的FC得分为0.1。如果作者有多个工作单位,那其个人FC分值将在这些工作单位中再进行平均分配。

3.加权分数式计量(weighted fractional count/WFC):即为FC增加权重,以调整占比过多的天文学和天体物理学论文。这两个学科有四种期刊入选自然指数,其发表的论文量约占该领域国际期刊论文发表量的50%,大致相当于其它学科的五倍。因此,尽管其数据编制方法与其他学科相同,但这四种期刊上论文的权重为其他论文的1/5。




3.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

4.Nature Communications

5.Science Advances


1.American Journal of Human Genetics

2.Cancer Cell

3.Cancer Research


5.Cell Host & Microbe

6.Cell Metabolism

7.Cell Stem Cell

8.Current Biology

9.Developmental Cell

10.Ecology Letters

11.Genes & Development

12.Genome Research


14.Journal of Biological chemistry

15.Journal of Cell Biology

16.Journal of Clinical Investigation

17.Journal of Experimental Medicine

18.Journal of Neuroscience

19.Molecular Cell

20.Molecular Psychiatry

21.Nature Biotechnology

22.Nature Cell Biology

23.Nature Chemical Biology

24.Nature Genetics

25.Nature lmmunology

26.Nature Methods

27.Nature Neuroscience

28.Nature Structural & Molecular Biology


30.PLOS Biology

31.PLOS Genetics

32.Proceedings of the Royal Society B

33.Science Translational Medicine

34.The EMBO Journal

35.The ISME Journal: Multidisciplinary Journal of Microbial Ecology

36.The Plant Cell


1.Advanced Materials

2.Analytical chemistry

3.Angewandte Chemie International Edition

4.Chemical Communications

5.Chemical Science

6.Inorganic Chemistry

7.Journal of the American Chemical Society


9.Nano Letters

10.Nature chemical Biology

11.Nature chemistry

12.Nature Materials

13.Nature Nanotechnology

14.Organic Letters

15.The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters


1.Earth and Planetary Science Letters

2.Ecology Letters

3.Environmental Science and Technology

4.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


6.Geophysical Research Letters

7.Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres

8.Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth

9.Nature Climate change

10.Nature Geoscience

11.Water Research


1.American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

2.American Journal of Epidemiology

3.American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology

4.American Journal of Pathology

5.American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine


7.Annals of Emergency Medicine

8.Annals of Family Medicine

9.Annals of Internal Medicine

10.Annals of Neurology

11.Annals of surgery

12.Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases

13.Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

14.Arthritis & Rheumatology



17.British Journal of Surgery



20.Clinical Infectious Diseases

21.Critical Care Medicine

22.Diabetes Care

23.Environmental Health Perspectives

24.European Heart Journal

25.European Urology




29.Human Reproduction

30.International Journal of Epidemiology31.International Journal of Obesity

32.JAMA Internal Medicine

33.JAMA Pediatrics

34.JAMA Psychiatry

35.JAMA Surgery

36.JAMA:The Journal of the American Medical Association

37.Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-American Volume

38.Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism

39.Journal of clinical Oncology

40.Journal of Hepatology

41.Journal of Infectious Diseases

42.Journal of Physiology

43.Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

44.Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology

45.Journal of the American College of Cardiology

46.Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

47.Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

48.Journal of the National Cancer Institute

49.Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery

50.Kidney International

51.Nature Medicine



54.PLOS Medicine


56.The BMJ

57.The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

58.The Lancet

59.The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology

60.The Lancet Global Health

61.The Lancet Neurology

62.The Lancet Oncology

63.The Lancet Psychiatry

64.The New England Journal of Medicine



1.ACS Nano

2.Advanced Functional Materials

3.Advanced Materials

4.Applied Physics Letters

5.Astronomy & Astrophysics

6.European Physical Journal C

7.Journal of High Energy Physics8. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters

9.Nano Letters

10.Nature Materials

11.Nature Nanotechnology

12.Nature Photonics

13.Nature Physics

14.Physical Review A

15.Physical Review B

16.Physical Review D

17.Physical Review Letters

18.Physical Review X

19.The Astrophysical Journal Letters

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