1. Download bitnami installer: bitnami-redmine-2.4.1-1-linux-installer.run

  2. $ chmod 755 bitnami...installer.run (run as a common user)

  3. $ ./bitnami...install.run

  4. you choose a installation destination (as $REDMINE_HOME) and some other configurations (like port number);

  5. when installation complete, you can choose opening the admin panel;

  6. close this panel;

  7. use $REDMINE_HOME/ctlscript.sh to manage your redmine server, use "./ctlscript.sh help" or read README.txt for usage instructions; use "./ctlscript status" to get the current status of your server;

You can use ctlscript start/stop/restart all or each service, use "status" to get status of all or each service.

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