1. Create a virtual machine "ubs1" with ubuntu server 12.04, set its network as Host-only;

  2. Start this vm, configure the network manually: IP Address:, netmask, gateway and name server address use default value; Set hostname hubs1, domain name as "chadhome", set username "ubsu1"; install OpenSSH server;

  3. Create the second vm named "ubs2" with the same settings with above, IP Address is, hostname is hubs2, username is ubsu2;

Now you can ssh between host and these 2 guests.

How to enable guest to connect to internet with NAT/Host-only settings?


  1. Set network -> Adapter 1 as NAT, adapter 2 as Host-only (the order is import! you can't install host-only first then add nat?)

  2. add eth1 in /etc/network/interfaces


  1. /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1

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