Learning Memory-guided Normality代码学习笔记



  1. class Memory(nn.Module):
  2. def __init__(self, memory_size, feature_dim, key_dim, temp_update, temp_gather):
  3. super(Memory, self).__init__()
  4. # Constants
  5. self.memory_size = memory_size
  6. self.feature_dim = feature_dim
  7. self.key_dim = key_dim
  8. self.temp_update = temp_update
  9. self.temp_gather = temp_gather
  10. def hard_neg_mem(self, mem, i):
  11. similarity = torch.matmul(mem,torch.t(self.keys_var))
  12. similarity[:,i] = -1
  13. _, max_idx = torch.topk(similarity, 1, dim=1)
  14. return self.keys_var[max_idx]
  15. def random_pick_memory(self, mem, max_indices):
  16. m, d = mem.size()
  17. output = []
  18. for i in range(m):
  19. flattened_indices = (max_indices==i).nonzero()
  20. a, _ = flattened_indices.size()
  21. if a != 0:
  22. number = np.random.choice(a, 1)
  23. output.append(flattened_indices[number, 0])
  24. else:
  25. output.append(-1)
  26. return torch.tensor(output)
  27. def get_update_query(self, mem, max_indices, update_indices, score, query, train):
  28. m, d = mem.size()
  29. if train:
  30. query_update = torch.zeros((m,d)).cuda()
  31. # random_update = torch.zeros((m,d)).cuda()
  32. for i in range(m):
  33. idx = torch.nonzero(max_indices.squeeze(1)==i)
  34. a, _ = idx.size()
  35. if a != 0:
  36. query_update[i] = torch.sum(((score[idx,i] / torch.max(score[:,i])) *query[idx].squeeze(1)), dim=0)
  37. else:
  38. query_update[i] = 0
  39. return query_update
  40. else:
  41. query_update = torch.zeros((m,d)).cuda()
  42. for i in range(m):
  43. idx = torch.nonzero(max_indices.squeeze(1)==i)
  44. a, _ = idx.size()
  45. if a != 0:
  46. query_update[i] = torch.sum(((score[idx,i] / torch.max(score[:,i])) *query[idx].squeeze(1)), dim=0)
  47. else:
  48. query_update[i] = 0
  49. return query_update
  50. def get_score(self, mem, query):
  51. bs, h,w,d = query.size()
  52. m, d = mem.size()
  53. score = torch.matmul(query, torch.t(mem))# b X h X w X m
  54. score = score.view(bs*h*w, m)# (b X h X w) X m
  55. score_query = F.softmax(score, dim=0)
  56. score_memory = F.softmax(score,dim=1)
  57. return score_query, score_memory
  58. def forward(self, query, keys, train=True):
  59. batch_size, dims,h,w = query.size() # b X d X h X w
  60. query = F.normalize(query, dim=1)
  61. query = query.permute(0,2,3,1) # b X h X w X d
  62. #train
  63. if train:
  64. #losses
  65. separateness_loss, compactness_loss = self.gather_loss(query,keys, train)
  66. # read
  67. updated_query, softmax_score_query,softmax_score_memory = self.read(query, keys)
  68. #update
  69. updated_memory = self.update(query, keys, train)
  70. return updated_query, updated_memory, softmax_score_query, softmax_score_memory, separateness_loss, compactness_loss
  71. #test
  72. else:
  73. # loss
  74. compactness_loss, query_re, top1_keys, keys_ind = self.gather_loss(query,keys, train)
  75. # read
  76. updated_query, softmax_score_query,softmax_score_memory = self.read(query, keys)
  77. #update
  78. updated_memory = keys
  79. return updated_query, updated_memory, softmax_score_query, softmax_score_memory, query_re, top1_keys,keys_ind, compactness_loss
  80. def update(self, query, keys,train):
  81. batch_size, h,w,dims = query.size() # b X h X w X d
  82. softmax_score_query, softmax_score_memory = self.get_score(keys, query)
  83. query_reshape = query.contiguous().view(batch_size*h*w, dims)
  84. _, gathering_indices = torch.topk(softmax_score_memory, 1, dim=1)
  85. _, updating_indices = torch.topk(softmax_score_query, 1, dim=0)
  86. if train:
  87. query_update = self.get_update_query(keys, gathering_indices, updating_indices, softmax_score_query, query_reshape,train)
  88. updated_memory = F.normalize(query_update + keys, dim=1)
  89. else:
  90. query_update = self.get_update_query(keys, gathering_indices, updating_indices, softmax_score_query, query_reshape, train)
  91. updated_memory = F.normalize(query_update + keys, dim=1)
  92. return updated_memory.detach()
  93. def pointwise_gather_loss(self, query_reshape, keys, gathering_indices, train):
  94. n,dims = query_reshape.size() # (b X h X w) X d
  95. loss_mse = torch.nn.MSELoss(reduction='none')
  96. pointwise_loss = loss_mse(query_reshape, keys[gathering_indices].squeeze(1).detach())
  97. return pointwise_loss
  98. def gather_loss(self,query, keys, train):
  99. batch_size, h,w,dims = query.size() # b X h X w X d
  100. if train:
  101. loss = torch.nn.TripletMarginLoss(margin=1.0)
  102. loss_mse = torch.nn.MSELoss()
  103. softmax_score_query, softmax_score_memory = self.get_score(keys, query)
  104. query_reshape = query.contiguous().view(batch_size*h*w, dims)
  105. _, gathering_indices = torch.topk(softmax_score_memory, 2, dim=1)
  106. #1st, 2nd closest memories
  107. pos = keys[gathering_indices[:,0]]
  108. neg = keys[gathering_indices[:,1]]
  109. top1_loss = loss_mse(query_reshape, pos.detach())
  110. gathering_loss = loss(query_reshape,pos.detach(), neg.detach())
  111. return gathering_loss, top1_loss
  112. else:
  113. loss_mse = torch.nn.MSELoss()
  114. softmax_score_query, softmax_score_memory = self.get_score(keys, query)
  115. query_reshape = query.contiguous().view(batch_size*h*w, dims)
  116. _, gathering_indices = torch.topk(softmax_score_memory, 1, dim=1)
  117. gathering_loss = loss_mse(query_reshape, keys[gathering_indices].squeeze(1).detach())
  118. return gathering_loss, query_reshape, keys[gathering_indices].squeeze(1).detach(), gathering_indices[:,0]
  119. def read(self, query, updated_memory):
  120. batch_size, h,w,dims = query.size() # b X h X w X d
  121. softmax_score_query, softmax_score_memory = self.get_score(updated_memory, query)
  122. query_reshape = query.contiguous().view(batch_size*h*w, dims)
  123. concat_memory = torch.matmul(softmax_score_memory.detach(), updated_memory) # (b X h X w) X d
  124. updated_query = torch.cat((query_reshape, concat_memory), dim = 1) # (b X h X w) X 2d
  125. updated_query = updated_query.view(batch_size, h, w, 2*dims)
  126. updated_query = updated_query.permute(0,3,1,2)
  127. return updated_query, softmax_score_query, softmax_score_memory


调用get_update_query(self, mem, max_indices, update_indices, score, query, train)函数计算\(query\_ dpdate= \sum_{k \in U_{t}^M} v_t^{'k,m}q_t^k\)




  1. def get_update_query(self, mem, max_indices, update_indices, score, query, train):
  2. m, d = mem.size()
  3. if train:
  4. query_update = torch.zeros((m,d)).cuda()
  5. # random_update = torch.zeros((m,d)).cuda()
  6. for i in range(m):
  7. idx = torch.nonzero(max_indices.squeeze(1)==i)
  8. a, _ = idx.size()
  9. if a != 0:
  10. query_update[i] = torch.sum(((score[idx,i] / torch.max(score[:,i])) *query[idx].squeeze(1)), dim=0)
  11. else:
  12. query_update[i] = 0
  13. return query_update
  14. else:
  15. query_update = torch.zeros((m,d)).cuda()
  16. for i in range(m):
  17. idx = torch.nonzero(max_indices.squeeze(1)==i)
  18. a, _ = idx.size()
  19. if a != 0:
  20. query_update[i] = torch.sum(((score[idx,i] / torch.max(score[:,i])) *query[idx].squeeze(1)), dim=0)
  21. else:
  22. query_update[i] = 0
  23. return query_update

在定义中,我们需要看到\(v_t^{'k,m}\)的计算。代码是通过(score[idx,i] / torch.max(score[:,i])实现的,进一步,我们需要查看\(v_t^{k,m}\)的计算过程。这个参数与\(w\)一样是权重,文中通过get_score函数计算权重,如下为此函数的定义:

  1. def get_score(self, mem, query):
  2. #计算权重$w_t^{k,m}$
  3. bs, h,w,d = query.size()
  4. m, d = mem.size()
  5. score = torch.matmul(query, torch.t(mem))# b X h X w X m
  6. score = score.view(bs*h*w, m)# (b X h X w) X m
  7. score_query = F.softmax(score, dim=0)
  8. score_memory = F.softmax(score,dim=1)
  9. return score_query, score_memory



  1. def read(self, query, updated_memory):
  2. #Read部分
  3. batch_size, h,w,dims = query.size() # b X h X w X d
  4. softmax_score_query, softmax_score_memory = self.get_score(updated_memory, query)
  5. query_reshape = query.contiguous().view(batch_size*h*w, dims)
  6. concat_memory = torch.matmul(softmax_score_memory.detach(), updated_memory) # (b X h X w) X d
  7. # 权重和memory获得加权均值
  8. updated_query = torch.cat((query_reshape, concat_memory), dim = 1) # (b X h X w) X 2d
  9. # 进行拼接
  10. updated_query = updated_query.view(batch_size, h, w, 2*dims)
  11. updated_query = updated_query.permute(0,3,1,2)
  12. return updated_query, softmax_score_query, softmax_score_memory



  1. separateness_loss, compactness_loss = self.gather_loss(query,keys, train)
  2. # read
  3. updated_query, softmax_score_query,softmax_score_memory = self.read(query, keys)
  4. #update
  5. updated_memory = self.update(query, keys, train)
  6. return updated_query, updated_memory, softmax_score_query, softmax_score_memory, separateness_loss, compactness_loss


需要说明损失函数的定义,\(L = L_{rec} + \lambda _cL_{compact}+ \lambda _sL_{separate}\)


  1. def gather_loss(self,query, keys, train):
  2. batch_size, h,w,dims = query.size() # b X h X w X d
  3. if train:
  4. loss = torch.nn.TripletMarginLoss(margin=1.0)
  5. # 计算Feature separateness loss的主要函数
  6. loss_mse = torch.nn.MSELoss()
  7. # 计算均方差损失
  8. softmax_score_query, softmax_score_memory = self.get_score(keys, query)
  9. query_reshape = query.contiguous().view(batch_size*h*w, dims)
  10. _, gathering_indices = torch.topk(softmax_score_memory, 2, dim=1)
  11. #1st, 2nd closest memories
  12. pos = keys[gathering_indices[:,0]]
  13. neg = keys[gathering_indices[:,1]]
  14. top1_loss = loss_mse(query_reshape, pos.detach())
  15. gathering_loss = loss(query_reshape,pos.detach(), neg.detach())
  16. return gathering_loss, top1_loss
  17. else:
  18. loss_mse = torch.nn.MSELoss()
  19. softmax_score_query, softmax_score_memory = self.get_score(keys, query)
  20. query_reshape = query.contiguous().view(batch_size*h*w, dims)
  21. _, gathering_indices = torch.topk(softmax_score_memory, 1, dim=1)
  22. gathering_loss = loss_mse(query_reshape, keys[gathering_indices].squeeze(1).detach())
  23. return gathering_loss, query_reshape, keys[gathering_indices].squeeze(1).detach(), gathering_indices[:,0]

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