1> 避免命名管道的同步和阻塞问题
第一列就是共享内存的key; 第二列是共享内存的编号shmid;
五、system v下的消息队列接口函数:创建、发送、接受和删除
int msgget (key_t key, int msgflg);
msgrcv (int msqid, struct msgbuf *msgp, size_t msgsz,long msg_typ, int msgflg);
msgsnd (int msqid, struct msgbuf *msgp, size_t msgsz, int msgflg);
int msgctl (int msqid, int cmd, struct msqid_ds *buf);
5.1 msgget函数 用来创建和访问一个消息队列 函数原型如下:
int msgget (key_t key, int msgflg);
key: 某个特定消息队列的键值
int msgsnd (int msgid, const void *msg_ptr, size_t msg_sz, int msgflg);
msgid: 由msgget函数返回的消息队列标识码
struct my_message{
long message_type; /* The data you wish to transfer*/
char text[size]; /*the data*/
msg_sz:是msg_ptr指向的消息长度,这个长度不能保存消息类型的那个“long int”长整型计算在内
5.3 msgrcv函数 函数原型如下:
int msgrcv(int msgid, void *msg_ptr, size_t msgsz, long int msgtype,int msgflg);
5.4 msgctl函数 控制消息队列,与共享内存shmctl相似 函数原型如下:
int msgctl(int msqid, int command, strcut msqid_ds *buf);
struct msgid_ds {
uid_t shm_perm.uid;
uid_t shm_perm.gid;
mode_t shm_perm.mode;
历程代码: 分为四个部分,创建消息队列、不同进程接收发和删除消息队列
1.创建key为0x1000的消息队列: msgget.c文件
- 1 #include<stdio.h>
- 2 #include<sys/types.h>
- 3 #include<sys/ipc.h>
- 4 #include<sys/msg.h>
- 5 #include<stdlib.h>
- 6
- 7
- 8 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- 9 {
- 10 int ret = msgget((key_t)0x1000, IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL | 0666);
- 11 if(ret == -1)
- 12 {
- 13 perror("msgget");
- 14 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- 15 }
- 16 printf("Message id = %d \n",ret);
- 17 return 0;
- 18 }
2.往0x1000消息队列写数据: msgsnd.c文件
- 1 #include<stdio.h>
- 2 #include<sys/types.h>
- 3 #include<sys/ipc.h>
- 4 #include<sys/msg.h>
- 5 #include<string.h>
- 6 #include<stdlib.h>
- 7 #include<getopt.h>
- 8
- 9 typedef struct msgbuf
- 10 {
- 11 long mtype;
- 12 char mtext[1024];
- 13 }msgbuf_t;
- 14 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
- 15 {
- 16 int msgid = msgget((key_t)0x1000, 0);
- 17 if(msgid == -1)
- 18 {
- 19 perror("msgget");
- 20 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- 21 }
- 22 char c;
- 23 msgbuf_t msg= {-1,0};
- 24 while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "t:m:")) != -1)
- 25 {
- 26 switch(c)
- 27 {
- 28 case 't':
- 29 msg.mtype = atoi(optarg);
- 30 break;
- 31 case 'm':
- 32 strcpy(msg.mtext, optarg);
- 33 break;
- 34 default:
- 35 fprintf(stderr, "error option! \n");
- 36 printf("%s -t msgttpe -m message \n",argv[0]);
- 37 break;
- 38 }
- 39 }
- 40 if(msg.mtype > 0 && msg.mtext[0] != 0)
- 41 {
- 42 if(msgsnd(msgid, &msg, strlen(msg.mtext), 0) == -1)
- 43 {
- 44 perror("msgsnd");
- 45 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- 46 }
- 47 }
- 48 return 0;
- 49 }
3.从0x1000消息队列读数据: msgrcv.c文件
- 1 #include<stdio.h>
- 2 #include<sys/types.h>
- 3 #include<sys/ipc.h>
- 4 #include<sys/msg.h>
- 5 #include<string.h>
- 6 #include<stdlib.h>
- 7 #include<getopt.h>
- 8
- 9 typedef struct msgbuf
- 10 {
- 11 long mtype;
- 12 char mtext[1024];
- 13 }msgbuf_t;
- 14
- 15 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
- 16 {
- 17 int msgid = msgget((key_t)0x1000, 0);
- 18 if(msgid == -1)
- 19 {
- 20 perror("msgget");
- 21 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- 22 }
- 23
- 24 char c;
- 25 msgbuf_t msg= {-1,0};
- 26 while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "t:m:")) != -1)
- 27 {
- 28 switch(c)
- 29 {
- 30 case 't':
- 31 msg.mtype = atoi(optarg);
- 32 break;
- 33 default:
- 34 fprintf(stderr, "error option! \n");
- 35 printf("%s -t msgttpe -m message \n",argv[0]);
- 36 break;
- 37 }
- 38 }
- 39 if(msg.mtype > 0 )
- 40 {
- 41 if(msgrcv(msgid, &msg, sizeof(msg)-5, msg.mtype, IPC_NOWAIT) == -1)
- 42 {
- 43 perror("msgsnd");
- 44 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- 45 }
- 46 printf("msgtype = %ld, msg = %s \n",msg.mtype,msg.mtext);
- 47 }
- 48 return 0;
- 49 }
4.删除消息队列: msgctl.c文件
- 1 #include<stdio.h>
- 2 #include<sys/types.h>
- 3 #include<sys/ipc.h>
- 4 #include<sys/msg.h>
- 5 #include<stdlib.h>
- 6 #include<string.h>
- 7
- 8 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
- 9 {
- 10 int msgid = msgget((key_t)0x1000, 0);
- 11 if(msgid == -1)
- 12 {
- 13 perror("msgget");
- 14 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- 15 }
- 16 if(msgctl(msgid, IPC_RMID, NULL) == -1)
- 17 {
- 18 perror("msgctl");
- 19 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- 20 }
- 21 return 0;
- 22 }
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