aureport这个命令可以生成一个总结性的柱状图报表,默认情况下,在/var/log/audit目录下的所有日志文件都会生成一个报表,也可以使用如下命令来指定一个不同的文件,aureport options -if file_name。


~]# aureport --start // :: --end // ::

2、To generate a report of all executable file events, use the following command:

~]# aureport -x


:~ # aureport -x

Executable Report
# date time exe term host auid event
. // :: /usr/lib/systemd/systemd ? ? -
. // :: /usr/sbin/crond cron ? -
. // :: /usr/sbin/crond cron ? -
. // :: /usr/sbin/crond cron ?
. // :: /usr/sbin/crond cron ?
. // :: /usr/sbin/crond cron ?
. // :: /usr/sbin/crond cron ?
. // :: /usr/sbin/crond cron ? -
. // :: /usr/sbin/crond cron ? -
. // :: /usr/sbin/crond cron ?
. // :: /usr/sbin/crond cron ?
. // :: /usr/sbin/crond cron ?
. // :: /usr/sbin/crond cron ?
. // :: /usr/sbin/crond cron ? -
. // :: /usr/sbin/crond cron ? -
. // :: /usr/sbin/crond cron ?

3、To generate a summary of the executable file event report above, use the following command:

~]# aureport -x --summary
4、To generate a summary report of failed events for all users, use the following command:
~]# aureport -u --failed --summary -i
5、To generate a summary report of all failed login attempts per each system user, use the following command:
~]# aureport --login --summary -i

6、To generate a report from an ausearch query that searches all file access events for user ID 1000, use the following command:

~]# ausearch --start today --loginuid  --raw | aureport -f --summary

7、To generate a report of all Audit files that are queried and the time range of events they include, use the following command:

~]# aureport -t

For a full listing of all aureport options, see the aureport(8) man page.

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