There is no friend as loyal as a book.


From Ernest Miller Hemingway.

Books are my friends, my companions, they make me laugh, cry, and find the unique meaning in my life.

Life is not easy to live without friends.

When it comes to books, they can be our best and the most loyal friends ever.

Good books enrich our mind with good thoughts and useful knowledges, just like those good friends and mentors around us.

We can't feel alone in the company of good books, we can learn many good things while reading good books.

Books written by famous and experienced people help us grow up and become better and also teach us how to serve the society in the best possible way.

When we are alone, we can always pick up a book and start reading to feel relax.

Besides, just as choosing who to make friends with, it is our own responsiblity to choose books wisely and utilize what we have learnt from them to make the world better.

Self-esteem is the reputation we acquire with ourselves.


There are not many things that are more important to our well-being than self-esteem.

Self-esteem is the reputation our consciousness has with itself,that is, whether we think we are worthy of happiness or not often depends on our self-esteem, in other words, how much we value oursleves and how much we value our life.

As an individual, there is nothing more important than valuing oneself and his life.

Everything depends on it.

The happiness of our family depends on it, it determines how we interact with the external environment.

So, how to boost our self-esteem, especially when we are in bad times?

For me, being a master than can solve every problem in my work might help me earn enough reputation.

But I have wasted too many years, I doubt that whether my efforts could bring some positive changes to my gloomy life?

Maybe I am too pessimistic, I have done well with my job, at least not too bad, isn't it?

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