June 01st, 2019. Week 22nd, Saturday
It is the childlike mind that finds the kingdom.
From Charles Fillmore.
When we were children, we dreamed of growing up to be adults.
But when we reach adulthood, the stress of life can make us wish we were back to being a kid again.
Although we can't recapture our youth, we can try to cultivate the kind of traits that we had as children.
To be honest, children are some of the happiest and fulfilled individuals we will ever meet, and I think that we adults can learn a lot from the attitudes of these miniature human beings.
Through age we may gain wisdom, strength, wealth and discernment, but we can also lose our childlike passion for life, so it would be helpful to recapture some childlike characteristics in some occasions, especiallly when we feel anxious and stressed about the uncertain future.
Always try to be curious and find out the answers to the unkown questions.
Never lose your childish enthusiasm and things will come your way.
To be childlike but not childdish.
Being an adult doesn't mean that funny and carefree moments are completely over.
We should always learn to be childlike but not childdish, and be hopeful about the future even though we haven't succeeded yet.
And we must know the best way to stay young, to maintian innocnce like a child, is to keep learning, keep growing, and never give up.
Things seem bad, but we live in hope.
Maybe our current preparation would breed the amazing accomplishments of tomorrow.
Spend no less than 30 minutes in reading books, and try to reduce the time spent on mobilephones.
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