
  • C面向接口编程和C多态

    • 函数类型语法基础
    • 函数指针做函数参数(回调函数)思想剖析
    • 函数指针做函数参数两种用法(正向调用、反向调用)
  • 纯虚函数 抽象类
    • 抽象类基本概念
    • 抽象类在多继承中的应用
    • 面向抽象类编程案例强化
  • 面向抽象类编程案例强化
  • 抽象类在多继承中的应用
  • 抽象类基本概念


#include <iostream> using namespace std; //抽象的图形类
class Shape
virtual void show() = 0;
virtual double getArea() = 0; virtual ~Shape() { }
}; //圆类
class Circle :public Shape
Circle(double r) {
this->r = r;
} //打印出图形的基本你属性
virtual void show() {
cout << "圆的半径是 " << r << endl;
virtual double getArea() {
cout << "获取圆的面积" << endl;
return this->r*this->r *3.14;
~Circle() {
cout << "圆的析构函数。。" << endl;
double r;
}; class Square :public Shape
Square(double a) {
this->a = a;
} //打印出图形的基本你属性
virtual void show() {
cout << "正方形的边长是" << this->a << endl;
virtual double getArea() {
cout << "得到正方形的面积" << endl;
return a*a;
} ~Square() {
cout << "正方形的析构函数" << endl;
double a;
}; int main(void)
Shape *array[2] = { 0 }; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
double r;
cout << "请输入圆的半径" << endl;
cin >> r;
array[i] = new Circle(r);
else {
double a;
cout << "请输入正方形的边长" << endl;
cin >> a;
array[i] = new Square(a);
} //遍历这个array数组
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
cout << array[i]->getArea() << endl; delete array[i];
} return 0;


#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Programmer
Programmer(double salary)
this->salary = salary;
virtual void printMoney() = 0;
virtual ~Programmer() { } protected:
double salary;
}; class Junior_programmer :public Programmer
Junior_programmer(double salary) :Programmer(salary) { }
virtual void printMoney(){
cout << "初级程序员的工资是" << this->salary << endl;
}; class Mid_programmer :public Programmer
Mid_programmer(double salary) :Programmer(salary) { }
virtual void printMoney(){
cout << "中级程序员的工资是" << this->salary << endl;
}; class Adv_programmer :public Programmer
Adv_programmer(double salary) :Programmer(salary) { }
virtual void printMoney(){
cout << "高级程序员的工资是" << this->salary << endl;
}; int main(void)
{ Programmer * pro1 = new Junior_programmer(12000); pro1->printMoney(); delete pro1; Programmer * pro2 = new Mid_programmer(15000);
delete pro2; Programmer *pro3 = new Adv_programmer(30000);
delete pro3; return 0;


#include <iostream> using namespace std; //方法一: 直接定义一个数组类型
typedef int(ARRAY_INT_10)[10]; //方法二:
typedef int(*ARRAY_INT_10_P)[10]; int main(void)
int array[10]; //array 应该是一个指向int类型指针。 //方法一:
//ARRAY_INT_10 *array_10_p = &array; //? *array_10_p === array //方法二:
ARRAY_INT_10_P array_10_p = &array; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
(*array_10_p)[i] = i + 10;
} for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
cout << array[i] << endl;
} //方法三:
int(*p)[10] = &array; cout << "------" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
cout << (*p)[i] << endl;
} return 0;


#include <iostream> using namespace std; int func(int a, int b)
cout << " 1999 年写的 func" << endl; return 0;
} int func2(int a, int b)
cout << "1999 写的 func2" << endl;
return 0;
} int func3(int a, int b)
cout << "1999年 写的 func3 " << endl;
return 0;
} //2018想添加一个新的子业务
int new_func4(int a, int b)
cout << "2018 新写的子业务" << endl;
cout << "a = " << a << ", b = " << b << endl;
return 0;
} //方法一: 函数的返回值, 函数的参数列表(形参的个数,类型,顺序)
//定义一个函数类型。 typedef int(FUNC)(int, int); //方法二: 定义一个函数指针
typedef int(*FUNC_P)(int, int); //定义一个统一的接口 将他们全部调用起来。 void my_funtion(int(*fp)(int, int), int a, int b)
cout << "1999年实现这个架构业务" << endl;
cout << "固定业务1" << endl;
cout << "固定业务2" << endl; fp(a, b);//可变的业务 cout << "固定业务3" << endl; } int main(void)
#if 0
FUNC *fp = NULL; fp = func;
fp(10, 20); FUNC_P fp2 = NULL; fp2 = func; fp2(100, 200); //方法三:
int(*fp3)(int, int) = NULL;
fp3 = func;
fp3(1000, 3000);
my_funtion(func, 10, 20);
my_funtion(func2, 100, 200);
my_funtion(func3, 1000, 2000); my_funtion(new_func4, 2000, 3000); return 0;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream> using namespace std;
typedef void(TIPS)(void); //定义锦囊
struct tip
char from[64]; //谁写的
char to[64];//写给谁的。
TIPS *tp;//相当于抽象类的 纯虚函数.
}; //需要一个打开锦囊的架构函数
void open_tips(struct tip *tip_p)
cout << "打开了锦囊" << endl;
cout << "此锦囊是由" << tip_p->from << "写给 " << tip_p->to << "的。" << endl;
cout << "内容是" << endl;
tip_p->tp(); //此时就发生了多态现象。
} //提供一个创建一个锦囊的方法
struct tip* create_tip(char*from, char *to, TIPS*tp)
struct tip *temp = (struct tip*)malloc(sizeof(struct tip));
if (temp == NULL) {
return NULL;
strcpy(temp->from, from);
strcpy(temp->to, to);
//给一个回调函数赋值, 一般称 注册回调函数
temp->tp = tp; return temp;
} //提供一个销毁锦囊的方法
void destory_tip(struct tip *tp)
if (tp != NULL) {
tp = NULL;
} // ------------- 实现层------------
void tip1_func(void)
cout << "一到东吴就拜会乔国老" << endl;
} void tip2_func(void)
cout << "如果主公乐不思蜀,就谎称曹贼来袭。赶紧回来 " << endl;
} void tip3_func(void)
cout << "如果被孙权追杀,向孙尚香求救" << endl;
} void tip4_func(void)
cout << "如果求救孙尚香都不灵, 你们去死了, 我是蜀国老大了" << endl;
} //--------------- 业务层-----------------
int main(void)
struct tip *tip1 = create_tip("孔明", "赵云", tip1_func);
struct tip *tip2 = create_tip("孔明", "赵云", tip2_func);
struct tip *tip3 = create_tip("孔明", "赵云", tip3_func);
struct tip *tip4 = create_tip("庞统", "赵云", tip4_func); //由赵云进行拆锦囊。
cout << "刚刚来到东吴, 赵云打开第一个锦囊" << endl;
cout << "-----------" << endl; cout << "刘备乐不思蜀, 赵云打开第二个锦囊" << endl;
cout << "-----------" << endl; cout << "孙权大军追杀,赵云打开第三个锦囊" << endl;
cout << "-----------" << endl; cout << "赵云发现,实在是杀不动了, 打开了第四个锦囊" << endl;
open_tips(tip4); destory_tip(tip1);
destory_tip(tip4); return 0;


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