题目链接:1323: Repeat Number


Definition: a+b = c, if all the digits of c are same ( c is more than ten),then we call a and b are Repeat Number. My question is How many Repeat Numbers in [x,y].

定义:a + b = c,如果 c 的每一位数字相同(c > 10),那么我们就把 a 和 b 称为重复数,问题是在区间 [x, y] 中有多少对这样的 a,b 使得 c 满足上述条件。


There are several test cases.

Each test cases contains two integers x, y(1<=x<=y<=1,000,000) described above.

Proceed to the end of file.


每组数据输入两个整数 x,y (1 <= x <= y <= 1000000)。


For each test output the number of couple of Repeat Number in one line.

每组数据,输出有多少对满足条件的 a,b。

Sample Input

1 8
1 10
1 12
1 18
1 25
10 100
20 1000
30 10000
40 100000
50 1000000

Sample Output



If a equals b, we can call a, b are Repeat Numbers too, and a is the Repeat Numbers for itself.


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