Alternative method of unlocking the bootloader - without code from HUAWEI
1. If you do not have Android 5.0, do a downgrade.
How to go on Android 5.0 (downgrade):
1. Download Rollback and B170,
2. Unpack the rollback and upload to the dload folder on your phone,
3. Turn off the phone, then hold vol +, vol- and power. The phone will install a rollback
4. Unpack B170 and put in the dload folder on your phone,
5. Turn off the phone, then hold vol +, vol- and power. The phone will install B170.
2. Root your phone with KingRoot,
3. Download Minimal ADB and fastboot, connect the phone in USB Debugging mode and start the ADB,
4. Enter the command:
adb shell
And then:
su -c "grep -m1 -aoE 'WVLOCK.{14}[0-9]{16}' /dev/block/mmcblk0p7 |grep -aoE '[0-9]{16}'"
You will receive the unlock code. Copy it.
5. Press ctrl + d and Enter:
adb reboot bootloader
6. Enter:
fastboot oem unlock ****************
(paste your code in place of the stars)
And that's it. You have the bootloader unlocked
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