关于iPhone X 适配
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- <h1>Welcome</h1>
- <h2>two hours ago</h2>
- <p>Hi!</p>
- <p>Welcome to my sample blog!</p>
- <p>This post is here to help demonstrate how easy it is to take an existing site, along with full-width bars and fixed-position elements, and make it take full advantage of iPhone X's edge-to-edge display.</p>
- <p>The actual post describing how to adopt the new API is over on the <a href="https://webkit.org/blog/7929/designing-websites-for-iphone-x/">WebKit blog</a>.</p>
- <p>There, you will learn all about new WebKit features, including <code>viewport-fit</code>, <code>constant()</code>, safe area insets, and <code>min()</code> and <code>max()</code>.</p>
- <p>There, you will learn all about new WebKit features, including <code>viewport-fit</code>, <code>constant()</code>, safe area insets, and <code>min()</code> and <code>max()</code>.</p>
- <p>There, you will learn all about new WebKit features, including <code>viewport-fit</code>, <code>constant()</code>, safe area insets, and <code>min()</code> and <code>max()</code>.</p>
- <p>There, you will learn all about new WebKit features, including <code>viewport-fit</code>, <code>constant()</code>, safe area insets, and <code>min()</code> and <code>max()</code>.</p>
- <p>There, you will learn all about new WebKit features, including <code>viewport-fit</code>, <code>constant()</code>, safe area insets, and <code>min()</code> and <code>max()</code>.</p>
- <p>There, you will learn all about new WebKit features, including <code>viewport-fit</code>, <code>constant()</code>, safe area insets, and <code>min()</code> and <code>max()</code>.</p>
- <p>There, you will learn all about new WebKit features, including <code>viewport-fit</code>, <code>constant()</code>, safe area insets, and <code>min()</code> and <code>max()</code>.</p>
- <p>There, you will learn all about new WebKit features, including <code>viewport-fit</code>, <code>constant()</code>, safe area insets, and <code>min()</code> and <code>max()</code>.</p>
- <p>There, you will learn all about new WebKit features, including <code>viewport-fit</code>, <code>constant()</code>, safe area insets, and <code>min()</code> and <code>max()</code>.</p>
- <p>There, you will learn all about new WebKit features, including <code>viewport-fit</code>, <code>constant()</code>, safe area insets, and <code>min()</code> and <code>max()</code>.</p>
- <p>There, you will learn all about new WebKit features, including <code>viewport-fit</code>, <code>constant()</code>, safe area insets, and <code>min()</code> and <code>max()</code>.</p>
- <p>There, you will learn all about new WebKit features, including <code>viewport-fit</code>, <code>constant()</code>, safe area insets, and <code>min()</code> and <code>max()</code>.</p>
- <p>There, you will learn all about new WebKit features, including <code>viewport-fit</code>, <code>constant()</code>, safe area insets, and <code>min()</code> and <code>max()</code>.</p>
- <p>There, you will learn all about new WebKit features, including <code>viewport-fit</code>, <code>constant()</code>, safe area insets, and <code>min()</code> and <code>max()</code>.</p>
- <p>There, you will learn all about new WebKit features, including <code>viewport-fit</code>, <code>constant()</code>, safe area insets, and <code>min()</code> and <code>max()</code>.</p>
- <p>There, you will learn all about new WebKit features, including <code>viewport-fit</code>, <code>constant()</code>, safe area insets, and <code>min()</code> and <code>max()</code>.</p>
- <p>There, you will learn all about new WebKit features, including <code>viewport-fit</code>, <code>constant()</code>, safe area insets, and <code>min()</code> and <code>max()</code>.</p>
- <p>There, you will learn all about new WebKit features, including <code>viewport-fit</code>, <code>constant()</code>, safe area insets, and <code>min()</code> and <code>max()</code>.</p>
- <p>There, you will learn all about new WebKit features, including <code>viewport-fit</code>, <code>constant()</code>, safe area insets, and <code>min()</code> and <code>max()</code>.</p>
- <p>There, you will learn all about new WebKit features, including <code>viewport-fit</code>, <code>constant()</code>, safe area insets, and <code>min()</code> and <code>max()</code>.</p>
- <p>There, you will learn all about new WebKit features, including <code>viewport-fit</code>, <code>constant()</code>, safe area insets, and <code>min()</code> and <code>max()</code>.</p>
- <p>There, you will learn all about new WebKit features, including <code>viewport-fit</code>, <code>constant()</code>, safe area insets, and <code>min()</code> and <code>max()</code>.</p>
- <p>There, you will learn all about new WebKit features, including <code>viewport-fit</code>, <code>constant()</code>, safe area insets, and <code>min()</code> and <code>max()</code>.</p>
- <p>I hope that it helps you adopt these new features in your websites.</p>
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