IfcRoot is the most abstract and root class for all entity definitions that roots in the kernel or in subsequent layers of the IFC specification. It is therefore the common supertype of all IFC entities, beside those defined in an IFC resource schema. All entities that are subtypes of IfcRoot can be used independently, whereas resource schema entities, that are not subtypes of IfcRoot, are not supposed to be independent entities.

/* Generated By: IFC Tools Project EXPRESS TO JAVA COMPILER: Do not edit this file!! */
package com.vfsd.ifc2x3tc1; public abstract class IfcRoot extends InternalAccessClass implements ClassInterface
private static final String[] nonInverseAttributes = new String[]{"IfcGloballyUniqueId","IfcOwnerHistory","IfcLabel","IfcText"};
private java.util.ArrayList<CloneableObject> stepParameter = null;
private java.util.HashSet<ObjectChangeListener> listenerList = null;
protected int stepLineNumber;
/** GlobalId is an DEMANDED attribute - may not be null**/
protected IfcGloballyUniqueId GlobalId;
/** OwnerHistory is an DEMANDED attribute - may not be null**/
protected IfcOwnerHistory OwnerHistory;
/** Name is an OPTIONAL attribute**/
protected IfcLabel Name;
/** Description is an OPTIONAL attribute**/
protected IfcText Description;
* The default constructor.
public IfcRoot(){} /**
* Constructs a new IfcRoot object using the given parameters.
* @param GlobalId DEMANDED parameter of type IfcGloballyUniqueId - may not be null.
* @param OwnerHistory DEMANDED parameter of type IfcOwnerHistory - may not be null.
* @param Name OPTIONAL parameter of type IfcLabel
* @param Description OPTIONAL parameter of type IfcText
public IfcRoot(IfcGloballyUniqueId GlobalId, IfcOwnerHistory OwnerHistory, IfcLabel Name, IfcText Description)
this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
this.Name = Name;
this.Description = Description;
} /**
* This method initializes the IfcRoot object using the given parameters.
* @param GlobalId DEMANDED parameter of type IfcGloballyUniqueId - may not be null.
* @param OwnerHistory DEMANDED parameter of type IfcOwnerHistory - may not be null.
* @param Name OPTIONAL parameter of type IfcLabel
* @param Description OPTIONAL parameter of type IfcText
public void setParameters(IfcGloballyUniqueId GlobalId, IfcOwnerHistory OwnerHistory, IfcLabel Name, IfcText Description)
this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
this.Name = Name;
this.Description = Description;
} /**
* This method is used internally and should NOT be used for own purposes.
void initialize(java.util.ArrayList<CloneableObject> parameters)
this.GlobalId = (IfcGloballyUniqueId) parameters.get(0);
this.OwnerHistory = (IfcOwnerHistory) parameters.get(1);
this.Name = (IfcLabel) parameters.get(2);
this.Description = (IfcText) parameters.get(3);
} /**
* This method is used internally and should NOT be used for own purposes.
void destruct()
listenerList = null;
} private void resolveInverses()
} /**
* This method is used internally and should NOT be used for own purposes.
String[] getNonInverseAttributeTypes()
return IfcRoot.nonInverseAttributes; } /**
* This method is used internally and should NOT be used for own purposes.
private java.util.HashSet<String> getRedefinedDerivedAttributeTypes()
java.util.HashSet<String> redefinedDerivedAttributes = new java.util.HashSet<String>();
return redefinedDerivedAttributes; } /**
* This method returns the object IFC STEP representation. This method is called by the IfcModel object to write IFC STEP files.
* @return the IFC STEP representation of this object
public String getStepLine()
String stepString = new String("#"+this.stepLineNumber+"= ");
stepString = stepString.concat("IFCROOT(");
if(getRedefinedDerivedAttributeTypes().contains("GlobalId")) stepString = stepString.concat("*,");
if(this.GlobalId != null) stepString = stepString.concat(((RootInterface)this.GlobalId).getStepParameter(IfcGloballyUniqueId.class.isInterface())+",");
else stepString = stepString.concat("$,");
if(getRedefinedDerivedAttributeTypes().contains("OwnerHistory")) stepString = stepString.concat("*,");
if(this.OwnerHistory != null) stepString = stepString.concat(((RootInterface)this.OwnerHistory).getStepParameter(IfcOwnerHistory.class.isInterface())+",");
else stepString = stepString.concat("$,");
if(getRedefinedDerivedAttributeTypes().contains("Name")) stepString = stepString.concat("*,");
if(this.Name != null) stepString = stepString.concat(((RootInterface)this.Name).getStepParameter(IfcLabel.class.isInterface())+",");
else stepString = stepString.concat("$,");
if(getRedefinedDerivedAttributeTypes().contains("Description")) stepString = stepString.concat("*);");
if(this.Description != null) stepString = stepString.concat(((RootInterface)this.Description).getStepParameter(IfcText.class.isInterface())+");");
else stepString = stepString.concat("$);");
return stepString;
} /**
* This method is used internally and should NOT be used for own purposes.
public String getStepParameter(boolean isSelectType)
return "#" + this.stepLineNumber;
} /**
* This method returns the line number within a IFC STEP representation. This method is called from other objects, where this one is referenced.
* @return the STEP line number
public int getStepLineNumber()
return this.stepLineNumber;
} /**
* This method is used internally and should NOT be used for own purposes.
void setStepLineNumber(int number)
this.stepLineNumber = number;
} /**
* This method sets the GlobalId attribute to the given value.
* @param GlobalId OPTIONAL value to set
public void setGlobalId(IfcGloballyUniqueId GlobalId)
this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
} /**
* This method returns the value of the GlobalId attribute.
* @return the value of GlobalId
public IfcGloballyUniqueId getGlobalId()
return this.GlobalId;
} /**
* This method sets the OwnerHistory attribute to the given value.
* @param OwnerHistory OPTIONAL value to set
public void setOwnerHistory(IfcOwnerHistory OwnerHistory)
this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
} /**
* This method returns the value of the OwnerHistory attribute.
* @return the value of OwnerHistory
public IfcOwnerHistory getOwnerHistory()
return this.OwnerHistory;
} /**
* This method sets the Name attribute to the given value.
* @param Name DEMANDED value to set - may not be null
public void setName(IfcLabel Name)
this.Name = Name;
} /**
* This method returns the value of the Name attribute.
* @return the value of Name
public IfcLabel getName()
return this.Name;
} /**
* This method sets the Description attribute to the given value.
* @param Description DEMANDED value to set - may not be null
public void setDescription(IfcText Description)
this.Description = Description;
} /**
* This method returns the value of the Description attribute.
* @return the value of Description
public IfcText getDescription()
return this.Description;
} /**
* This method is used internally and should NOT be used for own purposes.
void setStepParameter(java.util.ArrayList<CloneableObject> parameter)
this.stepParameter = parameter;
} /**
* This method is used internally and should NOT be used for own purposes.
java.util.ArrayList<CloneableObject> getStepParameter()
return this.stepParameter;
} /**
* This method registers an ObjectChangeListener to this object. An event is fired whenever one of its values was changed.
*@param listener the listener to register
public void addObjectChangeListener(ObjectChangeListener listener)
if (listenerList == null) listenerList = new java.util.HashSet<ObjectChangeListener>(1,1);
} /**
* This method unregisters an ObjectChangeListener from this object.
*@param listener the listener to unregister
public void removeObjectChangeListener(ObjectChangeListener listener)
if (listenerList == null) return;
if (listenerList.size()==0) listenerList = null;
} /**
* This method removes all currently registered ObjectChangeListeners from this object.
public void removeAllObjectChangeListeners()
listenerList = null;
} protected void fireChangeEvent()
if(listenerList == null) return;
for(ObjectChangeListener listener : listenerList)
} /**
* This method clones the object (deep cloning).
* @return the cloned object
public abstract Object clone(); /**
* This method copys the object as shallow copy (all referenced objects are remaining).
* @return the cloned object
public abstract Object shallowCopy(); /**
* This method returns the objects standard description.
* @return the standard description
public String toString()
return "#"+ this.getStepLineNumber() + " " + this.getClass().getSimpleName();
} }


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