【LEETCODE】40、1051. Height Checker
package y2019.Algorithm.array; /**
* @ProjectName: cutter-point
* @Package: y2019.Algorithm.array
* @ClassName: HeightChecker
* @Author: xiaof
* @Description: 1051. Height Checker
* Students are asked to stand in non-decreasing order of heights for an annual photo.
* Return the minimum number of students not standing in the right positions.
* (This is the number of students that must move in order for all students to be standing in non-decreasing order of height.)
* Input: [1,1,4,2,1,3]
* Output: 3
* Explanation:
* Students with heights 4, 3 and the last 1 are not standing in the right positions.
* @Date: 2019/7/3 9:19
* @Version: 1.0
public class HeightChecker { public int solution(int[] heights) { //首先排个序,然后比较一下就可以了!,来个快排吧
int[] array = new int[heights.length]; for(int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
array[i] = heights[i];
} quikSort1(array, 0, array.length); //比较不同的位置
int result = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < array.length; ++j) {
if(array[j] != heights[j]) {
} return result;
} private void quikSort1(int array[], int start, int end) {
if(start < end) {
int mid = this.hoarePartition(array, start, end);
quikSort1(array, start, mid);
quikSort1(array, mid + 1, end);
} private int hoarePartition(int[] array, int start, int end) {
int midValue = array[start];
int index1 = start, index2 = end;
do {
do {
} while(index1 < end && array[index1] < midValue); //找到比mid小的值
do {
} while(index2 > start && array[index2] > midValue); //交换数据
if(index1 < index2) {
int temp = array[index1];
array[index1] = array[index2];
array[index2] = temp;
} } while(index1 < index2); //最后我们把坑填到中间位置,因为index1和index2错开位置了,我们交换回来
// int temp = array[index1];
// array[index1] = array[index2];
// array[index2] = temp;
array[start] = array[index2];
array[index2] = midValue; return index2;
} public static void main(String args[]) {
int A[] = {7,4,5,6,4,2,1,4,6,5,4,8,3,1,8,2,7,6,3,2};
int A1[] = {1,1,4,2,1,3};
int A2[] = {1,4,3,2};
HeightChecker fuc = new HeightChecker();
} }
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