#include "cocos2d.h"

#include "ExtensionMacros.h"


#include "chipmunk.h"


class b2Body;


#error "You must define either CC_ENABLE_CHIPMUNK_INTEGRATION or CC_ENABLE_BOX2D_INTEGRATION to use CCPhysicsSprite.h"



/** A CCSprite subclass that is bound to a physics body.

It works with:

- Chipmunk: Preprocessor macro CC_ENABLE_CHIPMUNK_INTEGRATION should be defined

- Objective-Chipmunk: Preprocessor macro CC_ENABLE_CHIPMUNK_INTEGRATION should be defined

- Box2d: Preprocessor macro CC_ENABLE_BOX2D_INTEGRATION should be defined

Features and Limitations:

- Scale and Skew properties are ignored.

- Position and rotation are going to updated from the physics body

- If you update the rotation or position manually, the physics body will be updated

- You can't enble both Chipmunk support and Box2d support at the same time. Only one can be enabled at compile time


class CCPhysicsSprite : public CCSprite



bool    m_bIgnoreBodyRotation;


cpBody  *m_pCPBody;


b2Body  *m_pB2Body;

// Pixels to Meters ratio

float   m_fPTMRatio;




static CCPhysicsSprite* create();

/** Creates an sprite with a texture.

The rect used will be the size of the texture.

The offset will be (0,0).


static CCPhysicsSprite* createWithTexture(CCTexture2D *pTexture);

/** Creates an sprite with a texture and a rect.

The offset will be (0,0).


static CCPhysicsSprite* createWithTexture(CCTexture2D *pTexture, const CCRect& rect);

/** Creates an sprite with an sprite frame. */

static CCPhysicsSprite* createWithSpriteFrame(CCSpriteFrame *pSpriteFrame);

/** Creates an sprite with an sprite frame name.

An CCSpriteFrame will be fetched from the CCSpriteFrameCache by name.

If the CCSpriteFrame doesn't exist it will raise an exception.

@since v0.9


static CCPhysicsSprite* createWithSpriteFrameName(const char *pszSpriteFrameName);

/** Creates an sprite with an image filename.

The rect used will be the size of the image.

The offset will be (0,0).


static CCPhysicsSprite* create(const char *pszFileName);

/** Creates an sprite with an image filename and a rect.

The offset will be (0,0).


static CCPhysicsSprite* create(const char *pszFileName, const CCRect& rect);

virtual bool isDirty();

/** Keep the sprite's rotation separate from the body. */

bool isIgnoreBodyRotation() const;

void setIgnoreBodyRotation(bool bIgnoreBodyRotation);

virtual const CCPoint& getPosition();

virtual void getPosition(float* x, float* y);

virtual float getPositionX();

virtual float getPositionY();

virtual void setPosition(const CCPoint &position);

virtual float getRotation();

virtual void setRotation(float fRotation);

virtual CCAffineTransform nodeToParentTransform();


/** Body accessor when using regular Chipmunk */

cpBody* getCPBody() const;

void setCPBody(cpBody *pBody);


/** Body accessor when using box2d */

b2Body* getB2Body() const;

void setB2Body(b2Body *pBody);

float getPTMRatio() const;

void setPTMRatio(float fPTMRatio);



void updatePosFromPhysics();





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